Allergic keratoconjunctivitis: what it is and how it is treated
Allergic keratoconjunctivitis is a more common problem than you think. Let's find out what the causes are and how to fix it.
When we talk about allergic keratoconjunctivitis we mean that particular condition in which the cornea and the conjunctiva are inflamed at the same time. It is a disease that includes many sub-categories, each attributable to a different cause. So let's find out which are the most common, how to recognize them and what are the possible treatments to be implemented.
Allergic conjunctivitis: the symptoms to recognize
Let's start by saying that the symptoms of the various types of conjunctivitis are quite similar to each other and that they can alternate or occur all together thus offering a more precise picture of the situation.

Among the best known are:
- Redness of the eyes
- Edema of the conjunctiva
- Swelling of the eyelids
- Feeling of having a foreign body in the eye
- Itching
- Pain in the eyes
- Increased lacrimation
- Itching
- Crusting
- Sensitivity to light
In the presence of these symptoms or even just some of them, it is very important to hear the doctor and make checks in order to understand if it is a simple allergy , atopic conjunctivitis, allergic blepharoconjunctivitis or conjunctival hyperamy.
How to cure allergic conjunctivitis
For allergic conjunctivitis, therapy depends first of all on tracing the triggering cause of the same. Once the problem is understood, it will be easier to manage it, learning to stay away from what the symptoms described above may entail.
While waiting, you can use antihistamine or decongestant eye drops to be decided by the doctor based on the symptoms that arise from time to time. In some cases, immunotherapy and desensitization to what causes the allergy may also be useful. However, these are choices to always consider together with your doctor and after having carried out all the usual tests.
For a good prevention, however, it is advisable to always clean well the rooms in which you stay for a long time in order to avoid mites . Wearing sunglasses when out and about can also help. In fact, these represent a first barrier to many irritants.
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