Bacterial infection: what it is, symptoms and how to cure it
We speak of bacterial infection when we are faced with the spread of bacteria in the blood. Let's find out what the risks are and how to treat it.
Bacterial infection occurs when the body is invaded by a series of bacteria that multiply by attacking the blood and/or organs. These must be such as to overcome the normal barriers of the organism and can be foreign or already present in the organism and suddenly in much higher than normal quantities. It is therefore a situation to which it is essential to pay attention and which in some cases can prove to be very serious.
Bacterial infection: how it originates
Generally, when it comes into contact with bacteria, our body is able to defend itself, destroying them and moving on without problems.
However, there are situations in which bacteria manage to get the upper hand, spreading to the point of leading to what is known as a bacterial infection .

This usually happens when the amount of bacteria is so high that it exceeds the body's normal defenses and when the latter is in a fragile condition.
As for how, an infection can occur from an infected cut, touching or eating something contaminated, or from the air.
Wanting to establish the basic assumptions of a bacterial infection, the most important to consider are:
– Frailty due to age (children and the elderly)
– Pathologies in progress that make the immune system weaker
– Metabolic diseases
– Crowded environments
– Malnutrition
– Anemia
– Poor hygienic conditions
– Debilitating treatments
– Use of antibiotics
– Presence of catheters or inhalation equipment and the like
Paying attention to these details is certainly useful to counteract the onset of infections that could also be quite serious.
What are the symptoms of a bacterial infection
Bacterial infections are many and varied and, therefore, the symptoms also tend to change.
Having said that, there are some that can be considered common and that can be a wake-up call.
Among these are:
– Tiredness
– Widespread pain
– Inflammation
– Swelling
– Burning
– Localized heat
– Blisters
– Fever
– Muscle stiffness
In the presence of multiple symptoms, it is always good to be alert and ask your doctor for advice. In fact, if left untreated, the bacterial infection can also be very dangerous, even leading to death.
How to act in case of infection
Each bacterial infection is a world unto itself and the cure mostly depends on the exact origin and symptoms. Generally, the doctor can prescribe a more or less strong antibiotic.
In cases of more extensive infection, surgery with removal of pus and in more extreme cases of infected tissue may be necessary.
During the treatments and always after consulting a doctor, natural remedies such as garlic, eucalyptus or cinnamon can also be used. However, some over-the-counter medications can be used to relieve symptoms. However, each cure will be seen on the basis of the origin of the infection and therefore do-it-yourself is highly discouraged.
How to prevent bacterial infections
Although in some cases the infection is inevitable, there are several actions we can take every day to prevent them as much as possible. From always washing your hands to keeping your wounds clean, hygiene is obviously the foundation of everything . And this also applies to food.
It is also important to eat adequately in order to prevent the immune system from weakening. In this regard, a balanced diet with the presence of fruit and vegetables is always the best resource for maintaining good health and with an organism ready to respond adequately to infections.
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