
Calendula ointment: a natural remedy for the treatment of atopic dermatitis

The soothing and anti-inflammatory properties reduce irritation caused by this chronic skin condition. For this reason, calendula ointment represents a promising natural therapeutic option for infants, children and adults.

Intense itching , redness and scaling are the main symptoms that can arise due to eczema with complex pathogenesis .

Atopic dermatitis , in fact, is a chronic inflammatory condition that manifests itself through mild erythema, cracking and dryness of the skin. This pathology mainly affects infants and children , but can persist into adulthood . Furthermore, the causes are not yet fully known because there are various environmental, genetic and immune factors that fuel the appearance of the skin disorder. In most cases, eczema conditions tend to worsen due to severe itching and constant rubbing .

To alleviate this symptom and reduce the most unpleasant effects of atopic dermatitis, natural remedies can also be considered. Among the main natural alternatives, calendula ointment emerges thanks to its innate soothing, healing and anti-inflammatory properties .

Natural treatments for atopic dermatitis: peculiarities and virtues of calendula ointment

Extracts with large quantities of carotenoids, flavonoids and essential oils have been used for centuries in traditional medicine when the first symptoms caused by certain skin disorders arise.

The medical properties of calendula have been known since ancient times and, for this reason, they represent a point of reference for subjects suffering, in particular, from atopic dermatitis. In practice, the flowers of the plant are still used today in the production of ointments with anti-inflammatory, hydrating and antioxidant effects. Natural and curative characteristics are indispensable, not surprisingly, for an adequate treatment of eczema with complex pathogenesis.

This is the main reason that fuels the curiosity of users looking for an answer regarding what calendula ointment is for and what benefits it brings to the skin . To alleviate the itching and soothe the redness typical of atopic dermatitis in the flare-up phase, the causes of dry skin must first be reduced. In this case, the hydrating properties come into play which preserve the softness of the epidermis and extend the latency period of the pathology. Furthermore, calendula stimulates the regeneration of chapped tissue and the reactivation of the protective barrier thanks to the active ingredients contained in the flowers.

It is no coincidence that an ointment for atopic dermatitis with a content composed of plant extracts, essential oils, natural antioxidants, carotenoids and vitamin C also finds ample space in the treatment of other skin problems . Ointments with soothing properties, in fact, are used to heal scars and treat different types of dermatitis because they support the skin's healing processes. This versatility represents a considerable added value when dealing with injuries, burns or inflammations that require appropriate pharmacological therapy.

Recommendations and tips for effective application of calendula ointment

This ointment stimulates the production of fibrous protein which accelerates the natural regeneration mechanism and increases the level of hydration. For this reason, it is spread on wounds which must heal through adequate development of the granular tissue.

In case of atopic dermatitis , however, the application of the ointment requires some preliminary steps because the inflammation tends to become irritated without adequate treatment.

In fact, the affected area must be cleaned with a suitable detergent capable of facilitating the absorption process of the essential oils contained in the calendula. To enhance the effectiveness of the ointment, only small doses are spread on the portions of skin affected by atopic dermatitis.

Finally, the operation must be repeated several times a day based on the instructions provided by your doctor.

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