
Can cystitis be cured with natural remedies?

Woman with intimate discomfort

Cystitis is, especially in women, a very frequent disorder. It is an inflammation of the bladder which, in some cases, can reach the urinary tract.

This problem is quite annoying, and causes burning and pain in the pelvic area, combined with an urge to urinate which however translates into modest urination . Cystitis is serious if the urine is red due to the presence of blood and if accompanied by fever; it should not be underestimated even if it lasts a long time. In such circumstances, your doctor may recommend taking an antibiotic. However, natural cystitis remedies should not be overlooked, as they allow the problem to be prevented or treated, especially in cases of mildly intense disorders.

Beware of bacterial cystitis

One of the most common forms of cystitis is that of bacterial origin , caused – in fact – by the proliferation of bacteria in the urinary tract and urine. In 4 out of 5 cases, bacterial cystitis is caused by Escherichia coli; the natural remedy to focus on is a natural sugar called d-mannose, which prevents bacteria from proliferating and adhering to the walls of the bladder. Mallow herbal tea can also be helpful, by virtue of its pain-relieving, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Chronic cystitis: symptoms and remedies

The symptoms of chronic cystitis are those that characterize any other type of cystitis: cloudy urine with a bad odor, burning during urination and frequency. In the case of chronic cystitis, however, you have to deal with more intense symptoms; the disorder is defined as chronic if it occurs 3 or more times during the year. Even in this case, it is useful to use d-mannose supplements , both to alleviate the discomfort and to eliminate the problem permanently.

Not just d-mannose

D-mannose can also be used in the case of post-coital cystitis , which occurs within 3 days following the sexual intercourse that caused it. Natural remedies can be supported by ad hoc measures to benefit the pelvic area: for example the use of intimate cleansers with neutral pH, Kegel exercises and various precautions aimed at guaranteeing a better sexual experience . This means, among other things, increasing lubrication, urinating both before and after intercourse and being attentive to your partner's intimate hygiene.

Natural remedies for the prevention and treatment of cystitis

Mallow is a plant which, thanks to its anti-inflammatory characteristics, serves to reduce the pain caused by cystitis; the same applies to chamomile, while calendula has an antibacterial and antiseptic function. Ginger , thanks to its diuretic abilities, is a perfect ally to fight cystitis, and can be taken with a hot herbal tea. Of course, it is also desirable to follow good habits in everyday life, as we will see in the next lines.

The daily routine

Following a correct diet helps alleviate the discomfort of cystitis: a complete and balanced diet must be high in seasonal fruit, vegetables, cereals and fibre. Spicy foods, fried foods, carbonated drinks, alcohol and sugary drinks must be limited as much as possible, if not avoided: all products that irritate the urinary tract over time. As already mentioned, both before and after sexual intercourse it is essential to pay the utmost attention to intimate hygiene , trying to favor non-aggressive detergents. During the day you should drink at least one and a half liters of water, as good hydration counteracts the proliferation of bacteria.

Never hold urine

A widespread but wrong habit is that of holding urine , since this behavior can cause the multiplication of bacteria that cause cystitis. This is why, during urination, you must be careful to empty your bladder completely. Women should only use 100% pure cotton pads. On the other hand, non-cotton pads and tampons can cause the appearance of inflammation. In general, cotton should also be chosen for the clothes you wear. If dysuria, i.e. difficulty urinating, is very severe, it is best to contact your doctor to treat the problem as best as possible.

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