
Ceruloplasmin, what it is and what it is used for: when it is low it can indicate Wilson’s disease

What is ceruloplasmin and what is it used for? Let's see what it means when this value is too low, the symptoms and what to do.

Ceruloplasmin is a very important protein for the proper functioning of the entire human organism. When your blood counts are too low, however, something is wrong: it could indicate Wilson's disease . Let's see what are the causes and what to do when if the analyzes have a wrong value.

Low ceruloplasmin: causes and symptoms

Protein that deals with the transport of copper in the blood, ceruloplasmin is mainly synthesized by the liver. In addition, it carries out various biological activities, such as antioxidant action. Generally, this value is measured when there is a need to evaluate the metabolism of copper or to understand if there are pathologies related to the mineral deficiency. Low ceruloplasime, for example, is the first wake-up call for Wilson's disease . It is good to underline, however, that when its value is low there is no need to be alarmed immediately because the blood tests are to be read in correlation with other tests. Usually, this problem causes several symptoms :

  • jaundice;
  • tiredness;
  • abdominal pain;
  • behavioral changes;
  • tremors;
  • nausea;
  • dystonia;
  • difficulty walking and / or swallowing.

Low ceruloplasmin has causes which, in most cases, are related to Wilson's disease . However, the problem may also be triggered by: Menkes' syndromes, aceruloplasminemia, excessive zinc administration, malnutrition and in all pathologies that determine a reduced synthesis or an increased loss of proteins.

Ceruloplasmin: normal values ​​and treatment

Normal values ​​for ceruloplasmin are between 20 and 60 mg / dL. It should be noted, however, that the reference range may vary according to age, sex and the instrumentation used by the analysis laboratory. Therefore, rely on the interval on the report. Also, don't forget that blood tests should never be read in isolation, but in correlation with the results of other diagnostic tools.

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