Christmas is coming! 6 looks to show off from Christmas Eve following the trends
Spotify has already been in the Christmas mood for a while, the gift rush has begun – it applies whether it's ongoing or if you're still writing down what to give your boyfriend – and the desire to steal some days from the routine to meet and surround yourself with people dearer is already being felt. Only the outfits to show off for Christmas Eve and Christmas are missing.

The outfits to wear at Christmas 2022 according to the trends? Red in pole position, but also tartan, black and glittering textures. In reality it seems that this year's rule is to play, experiment, dare well beyond the classics, which in any case do not give up. In fact, this year the classic red Christmas Jumper with deer, snowflakes and white stripes is back and goes with jeans: an 80s effect with a pair of Adidas sneakers, more contemporary and winter edition with a pair of Timberlands.
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