Chronic anger: when a person is always angry what are the reasons?

There are many reasons to get angry, but if it happens too often it could be a real problem: here are the causes of chronic anger and some tips to treat it.
Do you often feel angry with the whole world and don’t know why? Or maybe you have someone close to you who is perpetually grumpy and you can’t understand why? Sometimes, frequent anger is a symptom of a discomfort that is hidden in our hearts, and it is not easy to bring it to light. However, there are suggestions for controlling anger attacks, especially when they are too frequent.
Psychological and chronic anger, what is it?
There are people who live in a perennial state of anger , who seem to have made anger their only method of communication with the world. This is not a positive attitude, because grumpiness can only attract more anger from the people we deal with.

Of course, it is important to distinguish a simple outburst from a state of pathological anger. Losing our temper on certain occasions is completely normal and also healthy: it allows us to vent our feelings and release tension and stress.
But having an attack of anger as the only answer, even against the people we love most, is something that is absolutely not good. In the long run, this attitude leads to the interruption of all interpersonal relationships . Think of an always angry partner who lashes out at you at every opportunity. Won’t you lose your patience soon?
Being nervous for no reason: the causes
At the base of an emotional state such as pathological anger there are often situations of depression , anxiety and dissatisfaction . You can always feel angry with the world because you just can’t accept yourself, or because you feel insecure and prefer to act by attacking, to hide your fears.

Or you are not satisfied with your life, or you feel guilty about a mistake you made that you don’t know how to atone for. All of these are feelings that many people experience at one time or another throughout their life. Sometimes they give rise to fits of anger that, from the outside, seem completely unmotivated.
Depression, not feeling good about yourself , are undoubtedly the first causes of pathological anger. And it’s good to try to solve the underlying problem, rather than trying to suppress the only way we have to vent our feelings.
I’m angry? Here’s how to fix it
Getting rid of this problem definitively is certainly not easy, and probably the best advice remains to contact a psychotherapist to advise us on the right techniques to resolve our inner conflicts.
However, there are some tips that can be very helpful in controlling anger attacks. First of all, it is important to learn to recognize the symptoms that usually precede the outbreak of anger: once you become aware of the warning signs, it will be easier to try to stem the crisis.
It may be useful to learn some relaxation and breathing techniques , to be practiced when you notice the first signs of anger. And, if it feels close to bursting, why not take a break and get away from everything that makes us sick?
Finally, it is essential to learn to express your emotions , in order to be able to give vent to your feelings without having to come to an attack of anger.
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