Cialis: what it is, what it is for and what it is important to know
Let's find out what Cialis pills are and what they are for. Everything you need to know about it.
Cialis pills are a treatment aimed at improving erectile function in those with problems of this type. Once taken, and after sexual stimulation , they promote the relaxation of the blood vessels of the penis immediately allowing a greater flow of blood and thus improving erectile function.
It is, therefore, a drug that should always and only be taken on medical advice and exclusively in the event of erectile dysfunction. In other cases, in fact, taking them would be useless.
Indications on taking Cialis
Cialis pills have Tadafil as the active ingredient which is one of the type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor drugs.
Once taken, as already mentioned, they therefore help to improve erectile function.
It is important to keep in mind that this drug does not work in the absence of sexual stimulation and does not promote arousal in any way.

Therefore, taking these pills does not change the way of living the couple relationship but only resolves any difficulties during the same.
Having said that, it is important to know that Cialis pills have various contraindications and that before taking them it is very important to inform the doctor about one's medical history, any pathologies in progress, etc … On the market, the same can be found in the form of coated tablets with films and in different dosages ranging from 2.5 mg to 20 mg.
What is important to know before taking Cialis pills
There are medical conditions in which the drug can be more dangerous and which must therefore be expressed to the doctor before evaluating its possible intake. These include sickle cell anemia, multiple myeloma, liver and kidney problems, leukemia, and penile deformities of any kind.
Only by making sure of any possible complication ahead of time will it be possible to objectively evaluate when it is possible to take the drug and in what dosage to take it in order not to have problems. Decision that, of course, will be up to the doctor.
Obviously, the drug should not be taken even in case of allergy to the active ingredient, heart disease, recent stroke, vision problems, etc… It is therefore clear that talking to your doctor is essential in order not to make mistakes which could be extremely dangerous.
Cialis: the contraindications to know
Let's start by reiterating that the active ingredient of cialis is tadalafil. This is found in several formulas of which cialis 20 mg seems to be the strongest and, therefore, the best known for its complications.
In addition to treating erectile dysfunction, this active ingredient also serves to solve urinary problems due to benign prostatic hyperplasia and also helps in pulmonary arterial hypertension in adults. It is therefore a drug which in certain cases proves to be strictly necessary but which must be taken with the necessary precautions.
There are in fact several side effects that can arise following its intake. Among the best known we mention:
– Allergic reactions
– Pains in the chest
– Nasal congestion
– Muscle pains
– Acid reflux
– Sudden loss of vision
– Prolonged and painful erection
– Severe migraine
– Eye pain
– Convulsions
– Blood in the urine
– Palpitations
– Exhaustion
– Blood in urine or semen
– Transient memory loss
– Fainting
The side effects described above can also occur in severe form. For this reason it is highly discouraged to approach such a therapy unless it is really essential.
The drug can also lead to milder side effects but which should always be reported to your doctor. Among these are ringing in the ears, light migraines and eye pain.
Cialis interactions
Another aspect to consider in addition to the side effects of Cialis is that of interactions with food or other drugs. In fact, Cialis pills should not be taken together with alpha blockers, blood pressure drugs, erythromycin, carbamazepine, phenytoin and protease inhibitors for the treatment of HIV or AIDS.
Added to this are also important interactions with both alcohol and grapefruit juice which, exactly as happens with some hormonal therapies, can influence their functioning and effectiveness. The drug also contains lactose. In case of problems with sugars, it is therefore advisable to report this to your doctor.

How to take Cialis
This drug should be taken only with a doctor's prescription and following the indications established on the basis of the personal case.
It is in fact a drug in tablets with different dosages and intended only for men with certain problems. Each tablet should be taken whole and with water and only once a day.
Over time, the dose may be adjusted by your doctor based on your response and symptoms. The effect of the drug is intended only for 24 hours and only after sexual stimulation.
In the event of an overdose, it is essential to contact your doctor or go to the emergency room. Conversely, if there is an oversight, one can proceed as usual, without increasing the dose.
The drug should always be kept out of the reach of children and should never be taken after the expiry date. Furthermore, for correct conservation, the temperature must not exceed 30°C.
Is it true that Cialis pills make you lose weight?
Lately we hear around that Cialis pills also make you lose weight . This drug actually has several functions. Just recently, for example, it was included by the Food and Drug Administration among the drugs designed to treat the symptoms caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Among other things, it seems that taking these tablets also contributes to fat burning and weight loss. A similar aspect to the one previously found also for Viagra.
Although the active ingredient in Cialis pills could lead to fat burning and weight loss, the drug should obviously not be taken for this purpose. The side effects are in fact many and the weight loss that would be obtained is not greater than that which can instead be boasted with a healthy eating style and with the right amount of physical activity.
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