Cold: what are the symptoms and how to treat it
The cold is a fairly common viral disease. Let's find out what the main symptoms are and how to recognize it in time.
Without a doubt, the common cold is one of the most widespread viral forms worldwide.
This pathology is characterized by inflammation of the nasal and/or pharyngeal mucosa .
Very contagious, the cold can be transmitted by both obviously sick and apparently healthy subjects. For this reason it is really difficult to protect yourself.
However, you can learn to recognize it from the first symptoms , in order to prevent it from getting worse.
Let's find out, therefore, what are the signs that indicate a cold and how to act when they occur.
What are the symptoms of a cold
When faced with a cold, in general, the symptoms are always the same and the only thing that changes is their extent . At the same time, these can be easily manageable for certain people (fortunately most) and more insidious for people who are frail or debilitated by other diseases.

For this reason, recognizing a cold from the very first signs is the first possible form of cure. Going to the symptoms, among the most common ones there are:
– Stuffy nose
– Migraine
– Nasal congestion
– Muscle pains
– Hoarseness
– Lowering of the voice
– Drowsiness
– You sneeze
– Sore throat
– Plaques in the throat
– Nasal voice
– Fever
– Inflammation of the lymph nodes
– Cough
– Dizziness
– Phlegm
– Burning eyes
These can appear all together, gradually and not always following a precise order. However, in the presence of two or more symptoms it is always good to make sure of one's state of health , measuring the temperature and starting to take care of oneself.
How do you catch a cold
As already mentioned, the cold is probably the most contagious and widespread viral form in the world. It follows that being infected is extremely easy.
The most common form is obviously that of direct contact which usually occurs through coughing and/or sneezing. Sometimes, however, it is enough just to talk closely with an affected person to be infected.
Obviously the hands are also an important vehicle, which is why they should always be well washed. As for the possibility of contagion, these depend on the time of exposure to the virus and on the general state of health. In fact, the risk increases in the event of severe psychophysical stress or in subjects with a low immune system. Children and the elderly are obviously more sensitive for the reasons just mentioned.
How to cure a cold
Generally, a cold is healed in a week which can last in more serious cases or in more debilitated subjects. It is a disease that regresses spontaneously in most cases and which for this reason can be kept under control with rest and with the intake of anti-inflammatories or antihistamines which can be useful for alleviating the symptoms and which must always be prescribed by the doctor .
Aerosols and products for the throat or blocked nose can also help to better overcome the acute phase of the disease. And to this is added a healthier diet based on nutritious foods that are not heavy on the body. Then there are natural remedies such as chicken broth, water and ginger or milk and honey. All can soothe symptoms and help make people feel better.
In the event of a high fever, however, it is advisable to contact the doctor immediately because there could be underlying infections or other problems that need to be investigated and treated differently.
On the other hand, the use of antibiotics is highly discouraged, as they have no power in the case of a cold and which, if taken for no reason, can even make things worse as well as causing possible resistance.
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