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Covid depression: everything you need to know


Covid depression is a growing problem and it is very important not to underestimate. Here’s what it is and how to recognize it.

In recent times, we hear more and more often about Covid depression. A problem for which psychiatrists have also been alarmed. It is in fact a form of depression that can affect anyone and that, like any form of depression, can have a heavy impact on the quality of life of those who suffer from it. It is therefore very important to try to recognize its symptoms both personally and in the people around us and everything in order to prevent it or catch it as soon as possible.

Depression in the era of Covid 19

Although at the beginning of the pandemic, several psychologists and psychiatrists had hinted at the problem, the link between Covid 19 and depression seems to have been really considered only recently. The cases are in fact so many that the problem is now more than evident.


Among the cases of isolation , the fear of tomorrow, the many information on deaths and diseases and the often unclear and constantly evolving decrees, people have in fact started to feel less and less safe, living it all with a growing anxiety that, in some cases, it has led to depression.

According to the latest estimates, one in 4 adolescents has symptoms of Covid depression and at least one of them has severe symptoms. This problem seems to have worsened in recent times due to the new restrictions that have led to forms of discrimination, marginalization and isolation that are difficult for young people to endure.

That said, many adults also find themselves increasingly stressed by the whole situation and for this reason, more and more psychotherapists also offer their help online and often at lower costs. And all in order to help get through the period.

How to avoid depression in isolation

One of the main reasons for depression seems to be the isolation one is often forced into when it turns out to be positive or in close contact with someone who has recently been positive. A problem that is more alive than ever even among the very young and therefore it is very important to tackle.

One of the tips suggested by mental health experts to make the most of such a tough time is maintaining a routine. This, in fact, although different, should be maintained in order to have daily commitments to respect. This is followed by physical activity and lighter but very useful practices for the mind such as yoga or meditation.

During isolation, it is also important to keep in touch with friends and relatives, perhaps through video calls or real appointments. It is also useful to cultivate your hobbies and take advantage of the moment to take better care of yourself.

Eating well is also very important, just like respecting meals and not indulging in irregular hours . And on this last time we must not forget the importance of the hours of sleep , essential for the mind.
Finally, if you are feeling low or particularly anxious, it may be helpful to contact an online psychotherapist. Someone to talk to about their thoughts in order to find the right tools to face such a difficult moment.

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