
Crustaceans in pregnancy: can they be eaten or do they involve risks?

Can shellfish be eaten during pregnancy or is it better to avoid? As long as they are cooked, there is no contraindication.

Shellfish are a real delicacy, but in some cases it is better not to eat them. During pregnancy, for example, they are allowed, but there are some precautions to keep in mind. Let's see what the experts recommend and when it is preferable to avoid putting them on the table.

Crustaceans in pregnancy: allowed or forbidden?

Pregnancy is a particular period, which not all women experience in the same way. While emotions may be different, concerns about nutrition are almost always common. Among the most popular questions is the one concerning shellfish: are they allowed or forbidden? Before giving an answer, it is good to remember which fish species we are talking about: prawns , prawns, prawns, lobsters, prawns, lobsters, scampi and crabs.

Having clarified this, let's get to the point: shellfish during pregnancy can be eaten, but only under certain conditions . First of all, it is forbidden to consume them raw or marinated with lemon. They always have to be cooked. Furthermore, choose controlled and certified products, relying on your trusted fish shop. Even if you are at a restaurant, remember that you are pregnant and, if you have no guarantees, opt for another food.

Molluscs (octopus, cuttlefish, squid, mussels, clams, cockles, sea truffles, etc.) deserve a separate discussion. They too are allowed during gestation, but the same care must be taken: they must always be cooked and of controlled and certified origin. As far as quantity is concerned, there are no major limitations for both crustaceans and molluscs. In any case, remember that, as in all things, it is good not to overdo it.

Crustaceans in pregnancy: the risks

Having ascertained that cooked crustaceans and molluscs can be safely eaten during pregnancy, let's come to why they shouldn't be served raw . The risks are the same as when you consume them without being pregnant. We are talking about salmonella , hepatitis , listeria and intestinal parasitosis.

Furthermore, considering pollution, we must not underestimate the fact that fish products, if not controlled and guaranteed, can prove to be harmful to the body. As far as toxoplasmosis is concerned, however, there are no risks, provided that crustaceans and molluscs have not come into contact with the earth.

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