
Difference between optician and ophthalmologist: it is forbidden to make confusion

What is the difference between optician and ophthalmologist? Let's find out together and see when it is appropriate to turn to one or the other.

Even if many are confusing, the difference between optician and ophthalmologist is there and it is not even minimal. While one has a degree in medicine and is thoroughly familiar with all the pathologies that can involve the eye, the knowledge of the other is limited and mainly concerns the field of glasses and lenses.

What is the difference between optician and ophthalmologist?

Taking care of the eyes, as well as all other parts of the body, is very important. As is knowing the difference between optician and ophthalmologist, so as not to make mistakes when you have to choose whether to enter the shop of one or the office of the other. First of all, it should be noted that an optician has a degree in Medicine and Surgery with a specialization in Ophthalmology, while the optician has a specific professional diploma or has followed a post-diploma specialization course lasting one or two years.

Therefore, while the ophthalmologist knows all the diseases that involve the eyes and the related diagnostic tools to identify them, the optician limits himself to measuring the sight, choosing the right lenses and placing them on the frame chosen by the customer. The optician can also prescribe lenses, but only for visual defects such as hyperopia, astigmatism, myopia and presbyopia.

Difference between optometrist and ophthalmologist: what is it?

Having clarified that an optician sells glasses and sometimes prescribes lenses, while an ophthalmologist is a doctor who deals with all eye diseases, let's also clarify what an optometrist does. The latter deals with the visual analysis, discovering any defects. Therefore, he can prescribe contact lenses, both corrective and aesthetic, and eyeglasses useful for correcting the existing problem and suggesting visual re-education activities. Typically, opticians take courses to qualify as an optometrist.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that neither the optician nor the optician-optometrist can carry out visits to identify any pathologies or prescribe drug therapies. These two professionals, in front of the client's requests, can only direct him to the medical office of an ophthalmologist.

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