Do you know the symptoms of a heart attack? Here are the ones you should always pay attention to
Not everyone knows how to recognize the symptoms of a heart attack. And this although often doing it can save even life. Let's find out which signals are the most important among all.
Being able to recognize the symptoms of a heart attack in time is certainly one of the surest ways to save your life by asking for help as soon as possible and thus receiving the right aid.
In fact, it is more than proven that a heart attack caught early has a much better chance of not degenerating into serious side effects or turning into death.
For this reason, when it comes to a heart attack, the warning symptoms are very important. As are the first reactions (and actions) in order to avoid sudden worsening while waiting for help.
What are the heart attack symptoms you need to know
Heart attack is one of the most common causes of death. Nonetheless, the things that can be done about it are few but essential.

If it is true that the symptoms with which it comes are many and varied, it is in fact true that among these there are some that should always be kept under control.
The best known in general are:
– Pain in right arm
– Nausea improvise
– Dizziness
– Feeling of tightness in the chest
– Cold sweats
– Hot flashes
– Exhaustion
– Shortness of breath
When faced with these symptoms, especially if they occur together, it is important to monitor yourself and ask for help if possible. Only in this way, in fact, will it be possible to be able to count on the right assistance and timely help in the event of an actual heart attack. Requirements that on many occasions can save lives.
Heart attack symptoms: difference between men and women
It's good to keep in mind that, based on gender, symptoms can vary.
If the heart attack symptoms in men are the above, there is indeed a small difference for the heart attack symptoms in women. In fact, the latter may also have heartburn, dizziness, cold sweat and pain in the abdomen. More details to keep under control in order to learn to recognize possible heart attack symptoms.
How to behave when you fear having a possible heart attack
When it comes to saving your life, prudence is never too much. In the presence of the symptoms mentioned above and, especially if they should occur simultaneously and in an annoying way, it is in fact important to call 118 and not be alone for any reason.
While waiting for help, it is also advisable to lie on your back with your legs raised, remain calm, avoid eating and press your chest in correspondence with the heart in order to facilitate its pumping. In this way, you will take some time while waiting for first aid.
Having said that, it is good to remember that heart attack pains often come very quickly, intensifying even more quickly. Which is why a false alarm is likely to occur. However, since we are talking about life or death, a calculation error is certainly better than a failure to provide assistance (possibly fatal) caused by a delay due to the fear of making a mistake.
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