Dyshidrosis: what it is and how to recognize it
Dyshidrosis is a problem that can be considered both unsightly and physical. Let's find out what it depends on and how to recognize it.
When we talk about dyshidrosis we mean a kind of dermatitis that manifests itself with the formation of bubbles filled with liquid and which occurs mostly on the hands and feet. It is a problem that is often associated with itching and burning and which, for this reason, can be difficult to manage. To better treat it, it is therefore very important to recognize it as soon as possible in order to implement every possible strategy .
Dyshidrosis: causes and symptoms
Although in the case of dyshidrosis, the causes are not yet certain, there are several connections that can be made with some situations that can occur in everyday life.

Among these the most common are:
– Contact with allergens
– Frequent hand washing
– Psychophysical stress
– Fungal infections
– Marked sensitivity of the skin
– Excessive sweating
– Familiarity
Often present in people allergic to nickel (who manifest in particular hand dyshidrosis), this problem does not yet have a completely resolutive cure. However, it is possible to act, both with natural remedies and with therapies usually prescribed by the attending physician.
Dyshidrosis: the cure to be put in place
Whether it is dyshidrosis of the feet or hands, there is currently no definitive cure for dyshidrosis.
However, there are several strategies that can be put in place in order to alleviate the problem.
First of all, if you are allergic , it is important to try to avoid contact with materials that can trigger allergic reactions as much as possible.
That said, for dyshidrosis, the most common remedies are cortisone creams to be applied on the suffering area. There are also antihistamines that can be taken as needed to relieve itching and, in some cases, you can opt for the application of creams that act as a barrier, thus protecting the skin from anything that can trigger an inflammatory reaction.
In any case, before acting, it is always good to consult your doctor. First of all to make sure that the problem you are suffering from is precisely dyshidrosis, and immediately after to establish together the most suitable treatment to solve or mitigate the problem.
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