
Dyspareunia: what it is and how it is treated


Dyspareunia is the term for pain during sexual intercourse. Let's find out what it depends on and how it is treated.

Dyspareunia is nothing more than the vaginal pain that one feels during sexual intercourse.
This can be of various entities, each linked to very different causes .
It is therefore an extremely delicate problem and it is important to tackle it first of all by understanding the causes, the extent and finally the type of therapeutic approach best suited to relieve pain.

Dyspareunia: symptoms and causes

The first thing to do when it comes to pain in intercourse is to understand the extent of the problem.


For example, we speak of superficial dyspareunia when the sense of pain is concentrated during penetration and is therefore linked to the first vaginal tract. In this case one of the most common causes is vulvodynia which leads to a high nerve and painful response and a consequent stiffening of muscle tone. Which can make the situation even more difficult.

Then there is profound dyspareunia which occurs at full penetration. In this case the causes are to be found in endometriosis, in infections such as recurrent cystitis, in interstitial cystitis, etc …
In some cases it is also possible to have mixed dyspareunia which occurs when the symptoms are mixed and there is pain both at the beginning of the intercourse and during and, often even after.
In any case, in the presence of this problem and so that it does not get worse, it is very important to immediately consult an expert doctor in order to trace its extent and immediately start the right therapies.

As already mentioned, in case of dyspareunia the symptoms are painful during or after penetration. To these can also be added tension and burning when urinating. In some cases, increased urination, vaginal dryness and itching may also be added.

Dyspareunia: the treatments to be implemented

As for the remedies, these depend first of all on the causes. For this reason it is necessary to carry out a thorough examination and also aimed at identifying a possible vulvodynia and investigating the possible presence of other pathologies .

Going to dyspareunia and remedies, these are usually given by a set of treatments implemented after tracing the causes. In some cases, therapies must be performed, in others drugs may be needed and in still others it may be necessary to treat the pathology that caused its appearance. In any case, a psychological approach can also be useful since suffering from dyspareunia can lead to personal and partner problems. In short, it is a problem that should never be underestimated and that deserves all the attention and care possible.

Finally, it is important to know that although less rare and usually linked to infections or the like, there is also male dyspareunia which always manifests itself with pain in intercourse but also in general.

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