
Eating in white: benefits and contraindications of the so-called white diet

pasta dish

Is eating white healthy? Let's see what a blank diet includes and what are the benefits and contraindications to keep in mind.

What does it mean to eat in white? As the name suggests, this is a light diet. Yet, nutritionists and industry experts disagree on the benefits that such a diet can bring to the body over a long period. The reason is simple: a varied and never restrictive diet is the best way to stay healthy.

Eating in white: what does it mean?

The so -called white diet involves the consumption of light and extremely digestible foods. Until recently and in some cases still today, the doctor, mothers or grandmothers advised to eat in white when you had intestinal problems. Today, however, someone follows this diet regardless of the condition of their stomach / intestines. With a diet of this type you eat only and exclusively lightly seasoned and never fried foods. This means that the only condiment allowed is extra virgin olive oil, strictly raw.

In a light diet, for example, you cannot miss foods such as: white rice, chicken breast on the plate, boiled potatoes and carrots, pasta without seasonings, boiled white fish (hake, sole, cod), rusks without jam, apples cooked, lemon tea and bananas. Absolutely to avoid, however, there are: dairy products, cured meats, red meats, foods with a high fiber content (legumes, cabbage, onions), fried foods, coffee, chocolate, wine (alcohol in general), pepper, chilli and other spices , carbonated or sugary drinks.

A diet of this type includes three phases : 3 days in which you eat only rice, 3 days of only chicken and 3 days of fruit only. It is therefore a total of 9 days, at the end of which a short break is taken and then resumed from the beginning.

Light diet, what to eat? Be careful not to overdo it

A blank menu, therefore, does not only include light foods, but also cooking as little fat as possible: plate, oven and steam. Fried and sautéed, of course, are prohibited. It is good to underline that, before embarking on any dietary path, it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor. Do-it-yourself diets never lead to lasting results and, above all, they can cause damage to the entire body. Even with the 'eat in white' system it is recommended to be careful : following it a few days to purify yourself is fine, but making a lifestyle of it could be dangerous. To understand if this is a food path that is right for you, talk to a nutritionist, who will be able to balance the nutrients your body needs well.

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