Endometriosis diet: the foods to choose and those to avoid
The endometriosis diet is one of many ways to relieve the painful symptoms of this disease. Let's find out how it works and which are the foods to prefer and those to avoid.
When it comes to diet for endometriosis it is very important to start from the assumption that, in this regard, the opinions of doctors are often conflicting. It is in fact a pathology on which relatively little is known and for which a whole series of strategies is needed to be implemented in order to start feeling better. Nonetheless, as with any disease, endometriosis and nutrition are also connected to each other. Although a specific diet is not considered by everyone as something to recommend, eating healthily and preferring certain foods to others is universally desirable. For this reason, it may be useful to at least learn to recognize the foods that should be reduced (eliminating foods is almost never a positive thing) and those that, on the other hand, should be increased in your everyday diet.
Endometriosis: the recommended diet for those who suffer from it
In order to hope to feel better when suffering from endometriosis , what to eat becomes important in order to reduce painful symptoms and reduce inflammation in the body . Obviously, this does not mean curing the disease (currently incurable) but learning to manage its symptoms, thus relieving the most painful ones and making the quality of life a little higher. It is in fact known that an organism that works better thanks to a good diet is able to manage every aspect that concerns it in a more functional way. Which also applies to pain.

In this regard, it is therefore very important to favor the intake of foods rich in fiber and to include whole grains, fruit, vegetables and legumes in one's diet.
The famous Omega 3 fats also prove to be very important as they are able to reduce inflammation. For this reason oily fish, dried fruit, avocado, flaxseed and all foods containing them are recommended. Similarly , foods rich in vitamin D , magnesium and calcium are recommended, while among the spices, the most suitable ones seem to be turmeric and ginger .
Endometriosis: foods to avoid
Going instead to what are the foods to avoid. It is commonly believed that sugar and everything containing it should be reduced as much as possible. A valid aspect for anyone who cares about their health. As always, we are talking about reducing and not necessarily abolishing. And this is because the quality of life depends on so many factors that it is important to always keep an excellent balance between them.
It is also good practice to reduce the consumption of alcohol, cured meats and fried foods or seasoned with condiments rich in saturated fats.
Continuing with the foods that according to some doctors cause inflammation, the quantities of dairy products (especially fatty ones) would then need to be reviewed, while red meat should be reduced as much as possible.
Finally, drinking plenty of water and practicing physical activity are recommended norms and must absolutely be included in a diet based on a lifestyle. Likewise, it is good to know that for some doctors, soy-based products should be avoided in the case of endometriosis. For others, however, there is no reason to do so. In general, therefore, it may be useful to limit yourself to moderate consumption , learning to eat in a healthy and varied way and acquiring an ever greater awareness of your body, in order to understand what actually makes you feel better or worse.
Obviously, before starting to choose the foods to consume, it is always good to consult with your doctor, choosing one who is an expert in this disease and at the same time in nutrition. In this way, by adding a good dose of physical activity, it will be possible to improve the quality of one's life as much as possible.
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