Gorgonzola in pregnancy: everything you need to know about it
Let's find out if it is possible to eat gorgonzola when you are pregnant. All that is important to know on the subject.
When you are pregnant there are some foods that you should not eat as they are harmful to pregnancy. Among these is gorgonzola which can be dangerous for the health of the fetus during pregnancy. Along with other cheeses containing mold, such as brie or camembert, this cheese should in fact be avoided. Let's find out why and in which (rare) cases it is not to be considered dangerous.
What to know about eating gorgonzola during pregnancy
Being able to eat the cheeses you love most even when you are pregnant is very important. To do it without taking risks, however, it is essential to learn to recognize those that should be avoided.

Among these, needless to say, there is gorgonzola. In fact, due to the presence of mold, you run the risk of contracting listeriosis. A food toxin that once taken can cause enormous damage to the fetus. Among these the best known are premature birth, prenatal infections and, in the most serious cases, spontaneous abortions and, therefore, death.
Reasons that alone are enough to avoid any risk by avoiding the assumption of this and other cheeses. Fortunately, there are several possible alternatives and you just need to pay attention to what you eat to feel safe.
Cooked gorgonzola: can it be eaten when pregnant? What's to know
What not everyone knows is that gorgonzola is one of those cheeses that can also be eaten cooked. Just think of when you add it to pizza or cheese fondue . Nonetheless, the risks for those who are pregnant do not completely disappear.
Going into specifics, it's important to keep in mind that listeriosis can't survive temperatures above 60 degrees . Temperature obtained after a few minutes of cooking. To be on the safe side, however, it is essential to make sure that the temperature of the cheese reaches and exceeds that temperature. Otherwise, even if cooked, it can be equally dangerous and capable of causing damage to the fetus.
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