High fibrinogen in pregnancy: what it entails and how to act
Having high fibrinogen during pregnancy is a situation that needs proper attention.
High fibrinogen is a problem that can occur during pregnancy. For this reason, this value is one of those that the pregnant woman must check during the nine months.
Fibrinogen, in fact, is the value that verifies the level of blood coagulation . This protein is part of the coagulation process, specifically preventing bleeding. However, high levels can be dangerous. For this reason it is essential to always keep it under control .
Why is fibrinogen measured and what does it mean when it is high
Fibrinogen, also known as coagulation factor 1 , tends to rise naturally during pregnancy. The aim is in fact to protect both the mother and the fetus from problems such as bleeding or those related to the placenta.
Its level must therefore be higher than that outside of pregnancy. However, it must not exceed certain levels. Otherwise, the risk would be that of detachment of the placenta or even abortion.

During a pregnancy, albeit in general, normal values ​​are around 200 to 400 mg/dl. However, these are numbers that can vary from person to person, so much so that in some cases even a fibrinogen equal to 700 could be considered normal. However, from 700 mg/dl we can start talking about risky values.
The most worrying aspect is that in most cases this value, even if high, tends not to give symptoms. For this reason it is very important to measure it at regular intervals, especially if there are situations in place that can raise it more such as the presence of infections, burns, inflammatory diseases or liver or heart problems. Obviously, smoking also represents a strong risk component.
Among the most common causes that lead to high fibrinogen there are in fact:
– Use of contraceptives
– Burns
– Infections in progress
– Obesity
– Inflammatory diseases
– Tumors
– Stroke
– I smoke
– Nephrosis
– Hepatitis
– Cardiovascular diseases
As for the measurement, this takes place through a blood sample on which it is then possible to carry out both a quantitative test which verifies its concentration in the blood and an activity test which evaluates its functionality.
How to behave in case of high fibrinogen
This value, when it is high, cannot come down with the help of drugs . It is therefore necessary to focus everything on the quality of life and on the implementation of good habits aimed at changing the situation.
To do this it is important to reduce inflammation levels, eat well, absolutely avoid smoking, consume foods rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 and avoid those rich in fat, especially if hydrogenated.
Moderate physical activity such as walking in the open air can contribute to the general well-being of the body, positively influencing the situation.
In any case, listening to your doctor and following his advice is always the first step to take, together with opting for a healthy lifestyle that is as natural and relaxing as possible for both the expectant mother and the baby.
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