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High transaminases: causes, symptoms and how to act


High transaminases indicate possible problems with the body. Let's find out what are the most common causes and how to act.

Suffering from high transaminases can indicate a variety of problems ranging from inflammation to liver problems. For this reason, transaminase values ​​are among the most common control tests that it is important to carry out at least once a year. If in most cases, a minimal alteration may be normal or linked to minor problems, in the case of high altitudes there may also be problems that are important to investigate in order to find the right cure.

High gpt transaminases: what it means

The alt or gpt transaminases (pyruvic transaminases), measure the values ​​of a liver enzyme that is used to metabolize proteins.


When this is in pain, the values ​​tend to rise, already suggesting the presence of a problem. A high gpt, therefore, may indicate a possible liver injury or problem. Similarly, even got high transaminases can indicate a liver problem. It is therefore always important to carry out a complete transaminase check in order to have a more precise picture of the situation.

High transaminases: the causes to be recognized

Beyond the various categories of belonging, high transaminases can be traced to different causes. Among these are:

– Food allergies
– Hepatitis
Celiac disease
– Hypothyroidism
– Cirrhosis of the liver
– Gallbladder stones
– Wilson's disease
– Mononucleosis
– Liver cancer

Obviously, there are several other diseases that can lead to an increase in transaminases. This is why, once the report has been received, it is always very important to show it to the doctor who requested it.

Often, medium-high values ​​may not lead to important changes. However, in the case of very high transaminases, the symptoms begin to show themselves and are usually the loss of appetite, yellowish color, dark urine, generalized weakness and light stools.

Also in this case, there are many other symptoms that can indicate the problem and that it is therefore important to evaluate with your doctor in order to trace the triggering problem and solve it with the right therapy.

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