
Humidity: what consequences can it have in the home if it is high?

You spend most of your time at home, which is why it is necessary for the environments to have optimal conditions, capable of ensuring an excellent quality of life from a psycho-physical point of view.

Without a doubt, excess humidity is one of the factors that most commonly risks compromising the healthiness of environments.

What are the ideal humidity levels in the home?

To live in a healthy environment, the humidity in the house should be between a minimum of 30% and a maximum of 70% , depending on the temperature that characterizes the environment.

This is what is reported by the World Health Organization: this important body indicates in particular that a humidity rate of 70% can be tolerated if the temperature is not higher than 18 degrees centigrade. All it takes is one degree more, however, for this humidity to begin to decrease. In fact, in an environment with 19°C, the percentage value is between 50% and 70%. From 24 degrees upwards , however, it should never exceed 30%-40%.

If this ratio is not respected in the environment, excess humidity is recorded which can favor the formation of unhealthy environments, with a series of consequences which can also become quite important for fragile subjects, such as children and the elderly, or those with allergies.

Excess humidity: possible health effects

Excess humidity can impact health directly or indirectly, favoring the proliferation of mites in the environment or the appearance of mold and saltpetre on walls, which are also potentially harmful.

The presence of mold and volatile elements caused by excessive humidity can cause coughing , especially when you are in the affected environments. For example, one of the most dangerous molds can be Aspergillus , in which the cough becomes oily and can even lead to asthmatic episodes.

Excess humidity can also cause problems for the nose and eyes, as some people can develop redness, itching and irritation, as well as allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

Of particular importance will be to block the sources of humidity in the bedrooms: the quality of sleep can also be affected , as the body's thermoregulation requires the body temperature to lower as we move on to the various phases of sleep. This is why, on the hottest summer nights, in environments that are too humid, it can be more difficult to fall asleep and maintain the state of sleep, given that the thermoregulation process can be altered .

A similar phenomenon can occur in winter, when a humidity percentage higher than the ideal threshold can lead to feeling colder than normal. In these cases, you may experience colds , bronchitis and seasonal flu .

How to eliminate excess humidity in your home

To eliminate excess humidity in the home it is important to avoid resorting to do-it-yourself remedies that are not able to definitively solve the problem and require the intervention of a specialized company.

These are companies like Murprotec, a European reference company, which creates tailor-made treatments against humidity problems, taking into account the specific characteristics of the environment concerned.

In fact, a specialized company first carries out an inspection to examine the situation in detail, identify the cause of the problem and study the most suitable solution to combat it effectively .

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