
Is fluoride bad for you? Here is all there is to know about it

It is increasingly common to wonder if fluoride is bad for you. This ingredient considered essential for the health of the teeth is in fact considered harmful in other respects.

When wondering if fluoride is bad, it is important to consider it in several respects.
Fluorine, in fact, is very important for the teeth as it can protect them from demineralization. At the same time, it is important to recognize that for many experts, misuse of sodium fluoride is bad for you. In fact, it has been shown that abuse can have negative effects on the brain and neuronal function.

Is fluoride good or bad? The word to the experts

As often happens in the medical field, the theories for and against fluoride are many and varied and each with scientific evidence capable of supporting the various theses.

Brush your teeth

Recognizing whether fluoride toothpaste is bad for you is therefore difficult because most likely the truth lies, as often happens in these cases, somewhere in between.
To answer the question: is fluoride good for teeth? In fact, the answer is certainly yes. And this is because its effect on the teeth helps to avoid cavities and other problems.
At the same time, inappropriate or excessive use of this substance can lead to health problems and brain damage. This is demonstrated by the scientific community itself.

To be on the safe side, therefore, the ideal would be to limit yourself to the use of toothpastes with fluoride, however, avoiding supplements in drops or which must in any case be taken orally.
Using sodium fluoride on the teeth, rinsing the mouth well, has in fact almost no harmful effect. Which, however, cannot be said if the same is taken by mouth.

Is fluoride dangerous for children?

Going to the little ones, of course, the situation becomes more delicate.
The use of toothpastes that contain fluoride can in fact be considered positive for good dental hygiene but only if under the supervision of an adult.

If ingested or not well rinsed, over time it could lead to an accumulation which, as mentioned above, is highly discouraged and certainly capable of leading to negative effects.
Also in this case, therefore, the answer to the question is relative.
If the toothpaste is used sparingly and correctly, however, there should be no major problems.

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