
Magnesium deficiency: the alarm bells not to be underestimated

Magnesium is a very important mineral for our body: it performs many functions considered essential and is involved in many processes, which concern most of the body parts.

It is therefore not surprising that among the most recommended and popular supplements to date there are precisely those based on magnesium. This mineral is also found in some foods, but being able to fill a deficiency with food alone is really very difficult.

But how to recognize a magnesium deficiency? What are the alarm bells not to be underestimated, which can depend on a deficiency of this fundamental mineral in the body? Let's find out together.

# Muscle cramps

When the problem is a magnesium deficiency, symptoms and manifestations can be numerous and of various kinds, but muscle cramps are among the most frequent. When the levels of this mineral are in fact excessively low, the muscles tend to stiffen and it is quite common to experience muscle cramps and spasms. This is therefore one of the first alarm bells not to be underestimated.

# Mood swings, anxiety and depression

Mood swings, anxiety and depression are manifestations that can occur for various reasons and therefore do not represent a specific symptom of magnesium deficiency. However, it has been widely demonstrated that this mineral plays a crucial role in stabilizing mood and its deficit in many cases leads to neurological problems. There are those who manifest apathy, those with mood swings, those with depression and those who are still anxious.

# High pressure

Apparently, many of those with hypertension or high blood pressure also have a magnesium deficiency. By filling it, the disorder is reduced and blood pressure levels tend to return to normal. Of course this is not universally valid: not all hypertensive patients benefit exclusively from a magnesium supplement and many need specific treatment. However, it is now proven that this mineral is useful in stabilizing blood pressure and in reducing hypertension.

# Insomnia and sleep disturbances

Another typical manifestation of magnesium deficiency is insomnia, which in turn is due in many cases to excessive stiffening of the muscles. As we have seen, this condition is caused by a magnesium deficiency and it is therefore quite normal for a deficiency of this mineral to result in problems such as insomnia and sleep disturbances.

# Physical and mental fatigue

Fatigue, both physical and mental , if it lasts for some time is the classic symptom of a magnesium deficiency and should never be underestimated. In fact, this condition can be due to multiple factors and in some periods of the year it certainly gets worse, but taking a specific supplement can help a lot and prevent the situation from degenerating.

# Bone fragility

If calcium is a fundamental mineral for bone health, the same can be said of magnesium which even plays an even more decisive role. Its deficiency can therefore manifest itself with bone fragility and osteo-articular pain.

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