Mind diet: all about nutrition that is good for the brain
The Mind diet is a diet that is good for the brain and helps prevent dementia and Alzheimer's. Let's find out how it works.
It is well known that eating well is essential for maintaining a good lifestyle . What many still ignore is that by choosing the right food approach it is possible to help the brain keep fit and avoid the so-called senile dementia.
A result so precious that it is really worth investigating the subject in order to understand how to articulate one's diet in order to enjoy an efficient mind for as long as possible.
Mind diet: what it is and how it works
The Mind diet, in some ways resembles the Mediterranean diet from which it has taken the positive aspects, changing the way in which various foods are introduced.

Recent studies have made it increasingly known due to its ability to prevent Alzheimer's and to benefit the brain in general. In fact, by eating correctly, it is possible to interrupt or at least slow down the degenerative process of the brain , thus avoiding memory loss, slowing down or even eliminating senile dementia.
Going more specifically, the Mind diet was born from the fusion between the Mediterranean diet and the Dash (acronym used for the diet against hypertension) and, more and more studies, give it as the most correct form of food to safeguard brain functions.
Its development which, as already mentioned, is based on the improvement of two precise and well-known diets, has led to the drawing up of a whole series of good and bad foods to be consumed therefore according to the category in which they are found.
Recommended foods and foods to avoid in the Mind diet
As already mentioned, this diet is based on the consumption of some foods and the exclusion of others.
The foods considered good and to be eaten every day are basically ten.
These are specifically:
– Green leafy vegetables
– Non-starchy vegetables
– Whole grains
– Berries
– Dried fruit
– Extra virgin olive oil
– Fish
– Chicken
– Legumes
– Wine
Wine will be consumed for a maximum of 1 glass a day while vegetables and whole grains should be present every day and even in several meals. Extra virgin olive oil should be used as the main condiment and raw as much as possible while chicken, turkey and fish can be added three or four times a week. Dried fruit can be included as a snack and berries are to be included as preferred fruit as they are rich in antioxidants and optimal for brain health.
This diet, however, also includes foods considered harmful and therefore to be avoided. Among these, those considered harmful are:
– Butter and margarine
– Cheeses
– Red meat
– Fried food
– Sweets
These food categories should be eliminated or reduced as much as possible as they are harmful to the brain and its health.
How to structure the mind diet
Since it is a diet aimed at well-being and not at losing weight, this diet does not follow a particular pattern and is therefore rather free to follow.
Having said that, one of the tips for following it correctly is to consume at least three portions of whole grains a day, followed by a salad and a plate of vegetables. All using oil for seasoning. The wine can be drunk in the amount of one glass and only once a day.

During the week it is advisable to eat fatty fish at least once and to alternate the consumption of white meat (chicken or turkey) from two to four times.
Berries should also be consumed every day and with a minimum of two a week. On the other days it will be possible to taste other types of fruit.
Going to the foods considered not good, these should be avoided as much as possible. If you can't do without it, the directives provide for a maximum of one teaspoon of butter a day, and the consumption of cheese only once a week. Same thing goes for fried foods and desserts.
Below is a sample menu for a day on the mind diet:
– Breakfast: Yogurt or sugar-free oat milk with whole grains
– Lunch: Mixed salad with chicken or turkey and dressed with extra virgin olive oil, slice of wholemeal bread and a portion of fruit
– Dinner: A portion of fish or legumes with pumpkin, carrots or fennel followed by a portion of berries. A glass of wine (preferably red)
– Snacks: a handful of dried fruit
Of course, this is just an example. For an optimal diet able to meet personal needs, the advice is to consult a nutritionist. In this way you will have a basis on which to work in order to eat properly and without depriving yourself of essential nutrients for health.
Effects of the mind diet
This diet has been under study for several years in which it has emerged that the risk of developing Alzheimer's, by eating correctly, would be reduced by 53% in those who follow the mind diet constantly and by 35% in those who follow it only sporadically or with many exceptions to the rule.
It is therefore a diet which, although it still needs field trials in order to have real scientific value, proves to be really useful and able to benefit the health of those who choose to follow it.
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