
Muscle pain: symptoms, causes and how to intervene

Woman with neck muscle pain

How many times have you had muscle pain without understanding exactly why?

In this article we will see together what the most common symptoms are in addition to pain, such as tingling , cramps and much more, so as to understand how to intervene and above all what are the underlying causes of the problem.

What muscle pain looks like and its symptoms

Muscle pain refers to that sensation that usually occurs in a specific area of ​​the body. Usually the soreness can affect one or more muscles, always in a well localized area.

We talk about widespread muscle pain when the area is decidedly larger.

Usually when the first pains begin to appear, it is best to intervene promptly with painkillers such as those you can see on . Other symptoms associated with muscle pain are possible swelling, feeling of stiffness.

Often the patient also experiences a sensation of heat and burning, as well as a general numbness together with an alteration in the sensitivity of the affected area. Behind these problems there can be various causes which we will talk about in the next paragraph.

Generally the symptoms tend to disappear on their own, if you remain at rest and are careful not to make any effort. If the pain occurred following excessive effort or during sports, cold compresses are recommended, in other cases hot compresses are recommended.

However, if the situation does not improve within a few days it is necessary to contact your doctor in order to obtain a diagnosis and treatment to follow.

The main causes of muscle pain

The most widespread cause that leads to the development of the problem can certainly be a trauma or having made an excessive effort which has caused a possible tear or in any case a trauma to one or more muscles. The risk increases more when you work your muscles in the cold without an adequate warm-up.

However, when the pain is not linked to a specific reason, there may be other pathologies behind it. This problem is very common for those suffering from arthrosis and rheumatoid arthritis : the first leads to a progressive loss of the cartilage found around the joints, while the second leads to a state of inflammation that can go as far as consuming bone and tissue.

Even a bad posture, if prolonged over time, can cause widespread pain on the back but also in the limbs, which also happens when we tend to make repeated movements that are always the same. Diffuse muscle pain, for example, can occur in the case of various types of viral infections. Stress is also often at the root of the development of contractures which then give that feeling of soreness in various parts of the body.

Understanding the cause behind the problem is of fundamental importance to embark on the right healing path, also because sometimes behind one problem another larger one could be hidden. Therefore, in case of pain that continues over time, never underestimate it and contact your doctor.

Sources,or%20a%20part%20of%20the body.

Disclaimer: “We advise all our readers to seek medical attention for any concerns or signs that may compromise their well-being.”

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