Neutrophils: what happens when they are high or low
Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell designed to protect the body. We learn to understand the values in the blood and their meaning.
When we talk about neutrophils we mean those white blood cells that play the role of protecting the body from infections of all kinds. At the same time, they carry out the task of releasing important substances to defend the body by promoting the rise in temperature or mediating the inflammatory response. They are, therefore, very important for various factors , which is why it is important to understand what neutrophils are and how to interpret them from time to time.
High neutrophils: the most common causes
Having high neutrophils can mean so many things.

In general it is good to know that the increase in their values can indicate a strong stress condition, an infection in progress, metabolic diseases , necrosis or other problems of the organism that it is always better to investigate together with the doctor. High neutrophil granulocytes are therefore a kind of alarm bell that indicates that the organism is under attack from something that is trying to protect itself in some way.
If, on the other hand, high neutrophils and low lymphocytes are found, you may be faced with a rheumatoid arthritis , a really excessive stress, lupus or other problems.
Low neutrophils: what it means
Obviously, from blood tests, neutrophils can also be lower than normal. If this happens, we are talking about neutropenia and the reasons may once again be different.
We therefore range from a genetic problem to aplastic anemia , passing through infections such as typhus or brucellosis. In some cases, the cause may also be pharmacological as occurs, for example, after the use of chemotherapy drugs. However, suffering from this deficiency is risky because the organism appears defenseless and constantly at risk of even major infections.
Regardless of the high or low values in the blood, therefore, it is important to remember that if these are not normal, it is essential to speak to the doctor immediately. The latter, based on any symptoms and what is found from an accurate medical history, will be able to evaluate to prescribe new in-depth examinations or, if he discovers the cause, to give a cure to bring the neutrophils back to their normal levels and to treat any pathologies in progress.
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