
Nosebleed: why it comes out and what it entails

Nosebleeds can be quite common but also indicate problems that need to be investigated. Here's what to know about it.

When a nosebleed occurs, there may be several reasons. Epistaxis (a beggar name to indicate a copious loss of nosebleed) is therefore a problem that should always be kept under control and reported to your doctor. Nasal bleeding can be both venous and arterial and in both cases it can indicate problems that should never be underestimated. Here, then, is what is important to know about it.

Nosebleeds: the most common causes

It often happens to wonder why a nosebleed comes out. It is in fact a condition that even when it does not involve anything serious is still unpleasant to live, especially if you are outside.


The first possible cause, as well as the most trivial is that linked to a possible break in a capillary or to a bump that caused some larger break.
Having said that, there are several other possible causes that it would be better to know and that are often also associated with pathologies.
Among these the most common are:

– Allergic rhinitis
– Coagulation problems
Arterial hypertension
– Nosebleed from cold

As it is easy to guess, these are different reasons for both origin and entity. Even in the case of small leaks it is therefore always important to notify the doctor. Especially if the epistaxis is frequent.

Nosebleed: what to do

For nosebleed, there are many remedies and often able to completely eliminate the nosebleed. In fact, whether it is nocturnal or daytime nosebleeds, it is always possible to act promptly. The first thing to do is to try to stop the leak with pressure against the septum, perhaps dabbing it with a handkerchief. By holding your head up, the bleeding should stop faster.

If the blood does not stop it is essential to go to the emergency room because there could be a fracture. Furthermore, if you suffer from diseases that can lead to this problem, it is always important to talk to your doctor right away. In some cases, in fact, it may be necessary to change therapy or make adequate investigations on the condition in which you are.

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