Oligomenorrhea: what it is, how to recognize it and what are the treatments
Oligomenorrhea is a problem related to an irregular cycle. Let's find out how to recognize it, why it occurs and how to cure it.
We speak of oligomenorrhea when we are faced with an irregular cycle and which, specifically, is longer than 35 days and less than 90. When more than 90 days pass between one cycle and the next, we speak of amenorrhea. Another problem that should not be underestimated.
But what exactly does oligomenorrhea involve? Evidently it is a problem related to an ovulation that does not go as it should or does not happen at all. So let's find out what it can depend on and what are the possible treatments to implement.
How to recognize oligomenorrhea
The first obvious symptom in the case of oligomenorrhea is that of a delayed period .
To it are added others such as hot flashes, hirsutism, stomach ache, etc …
The latter, however, mostly depend on the underlying causes and which lead to different symptoms based on the type and extent.

Even any health problems are almost always linked more to what causes oligomenorrhea than to the absence of periods . And this is undoubtedly a parameter to always keep in mind.
What are the causes of oligomenorrhea
A cycle that occurs with rather long intervals is usually defined as oligomenorrhea and can have very different causes. In some cases, it can be linked to age , in others to the use of small contraceptives and in others to very intense physical activity.
Other possible causes include taking medicines , the lack of certain hormones such as, for example, prolactin and the presence of various pathologies such as diabetes , polycystic ovary syndrome, thyroid alterations and feeding problems such as bulimia and anorexia .
Obviously, to know the precise causes it is very important to carry out a medical examination with related tests. These may include those of the blood (and therefore hormonal), ultrasound scans (pelvic and vaginal) and other more in-depth checks aimed at understanding the origin of the problem.
The consequences of oligomenorrhea and possible treatments
It is clear that such a problem, as well as any other related to the cycle, requires targeted checks and the most suitable treatments for the case. Such a discontinuous cycle can in fact lead to difficulty in conceiving (mostly because it is not known when the ovulatory phase occurs), also leading to stress, a sense of heaviness and discomfort due to other pathologies which, if not recognized over time, can get worse.
Going to the treatments, these depend on the problem found by the doctor after the necessary tests. The most common is hormone therapy (the pill) with hormones that are used to restore any hormonal dysfunction . In the case of more serious problems, however, different treatments may be necessary, while in more extreme cases surgery may be necessary. This can happen in the case of pituitary adenoma or other problems that can only be solved with surgery.
Finally, it is useful to remember that in the case of occasional oligomenorrhea or due to stress and food shortages, a good approach is to follow a healthy and balanced diet . In doing so, in fact, the body is given a valid help, both from the hormonal point of view and in terms of energy. In case of food shortages, of course, the advice is to always be followed by a nutritionist.
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