Homemade buckwheat bread: the ingredients and the step-by-step recipe to make a fragrant, gluten-free savory leavened bread, excellent to serve with cured meats and cheeses! Buckwheat,...
Scripelle 'mbusse are a typical dish of Teramo cuisine but widespread throughout Abruzzo. Here's how to prepare these crepes served in broth. The original recipe for...
From SĂĽdtirol and directly to your table in the blink of an eye: vegan dumplings can also be prepared at home. They are served as an...
For a truly delicious second course of meat, try the original recipe for chicken Belluno style, presented with mushrooms and polenta. Belluno chicken is a typical...
A classic dish that is always loved: here is the recipe for squid ink risotto. How delicious is the cuttlefish ink risotto! Creamy, irresistible with its...
Barley soup, also known as gerstensuppe, is a typical Tyrolean dish that is very simple to make and perfect for winter. Barley soup is a dish...
Chicken (or hen) broth is a basic cooking recipe. Here's how to prepare it easily with very few ingredients. Chicken broth, in the mentality of older...
This is how to prepare pumpkin and bacon risotto, a creamy and intensely scented autumn first course. Risotto with pumpkin and bacon is a typical dish...
Bigoli are a typical pasta shape from the Veneto region. Preparing them at home is quite simple with our recipe even without the special press. Homemade...
Venetian liver is a classic traditional Venetian dish, simple to prepare also thanks to our suggestions and advice. Venetian liver is a traditional dish from north-eastern...
Baked mixed vegetables, a tasty, tasty and colorful side dish… because even at the table the eye wants its part. Here's the recipe! Today we offer...
Preparing it is simple and tasting it is a delight, here is the recipe for making chestnut semifreddo at home. Chestnut semifreddo is a dessert with...
Simple and tasty, chestnuts in syrup are excellent to enjoy on any occasion. Here's our rum recipe! Among the most popular ways of preserving chestnuts there...
Red wine and sausage risotto is a quick and easy first course perfect for any occasion. Here's how we prepare it. Perhaps with a hint of...
Let's find out how to prepare Genoese panissa and all the ways to serve it, from the most classic variant in a sandwich to the delicious...
Bread, olives, capers and oregano give life to a tasty side dish perfect for the cold season: Sicilian cauliflower. With the arrival of the cold season,...
In 15 minutes you will have a perfectly cooked pumpkin without any effort. Here's how to prepare pumpkin in the microwave. Pumpkin is the queen of...
In just a few minutes you can prepare a delicious pistachio custard. Here is the procedure with pistachio cream or paste. Pistachio is one of the...
Delicate and decisive at the same time, the black truffle risotto recipe is able to satisfy even the most demanding palates. Truffles are a very valuable...
Perfect for autumn, air fryer chestnut cake is a simple and delicious recipe, excellent to enjoy at any time of the day. Castagnaccio is one of...