Recco focaccia with Bimby is a Ligurian specialty famous for its stringy cheese filling! Recco focaccia with Thermomix is ​​a quick and easy recipe which, just...
Are you looking for a healthy, simple second course of meat ready in less than half an hour? Scallops with mushrooms are the recipe for you!...
Bone marrow, meat broth and Lodigiano cheese: our Milanese risotto with the Thermomix has absolutely nothing missing! In Milan, risotto is an institution and in order...
Few ingredients and less than 20 minutes of preparation separate you from a delicious pistachio panna cotta. With the arrival of the summer, the desire to...
Let's find out how to prepare tomato jam, an excellent summer preserve with meat and cheese or instead of ketchup. Red tomato jam is a perfect...
Preserved aubergines are really delicious and Calabrian-style aubergines in oil are certainly no exception. Here is the recipe with and without cooking. We need to take...
The Ligurian onion pie is a quick and easy to make appetizer, with a light external dough and a creamy and tasty filling. A thin shell...
If you are looking for a dessert for breakfast or a snack, air fryer banana bread is the right recipe for you. Here is the recipe...
Grape mustard is a delicious preparation that goes well with meat and cheese. Here's how to prepare it. Grape mustard can be compared to a jam...
With lemon, with herbs, with truffle and more specific versions for meat or fish. Here's how to prepare flavored butter. Flavored butter is a typical ingredient...
Few ingredients and a unique flavour. What are the secrets to preparing an excellent saffron risotto? We'll reveal them to you! Among the most imitated dishes,...
Today we're making rice meatballs: here's the recipe for preparing delicious morsels of rice and vegetables without the addition of eggs, butter, cheese and other ingredients...
The goodness of this dish is anticipated by peasant wisdom: here is the recipe for pear and gorgonzola risotto. If you are looking for a perfect...
Having your own business project and starting a business is a dream of many and some succeed. However, beyond the service offered to its customers, which...
From the well-known typical product of the island, comes the recipe for Sicilian cassata ice cream to be made with good ricotta. The Sicilian pastry shop...
Impepata with clams: a very tasty dish with all the flavors of the sea. Small but delicious, clams are known in many regions of Italy as...
Here's how to prepare a simple but tasty gurnard with crazy water, a second fish dish. Enriching lunch or dinner with flavor is very easy with...
The vegetable ratatuia is a local version of the French classic, made tastier by the addition of capers, anchovies and vinegar. The recipe for ratatuia arrived...
How to make homemade vegetable broth: the simple and perfect recipe to use for many different dishes. Today we make a delicious vegetable broth, quick, simple...
A very simple first course whose success depends mainly on the quality of the fruit: fig risotto. Fig risotto is certainly a particular but very tasty...