Pepper meatballs are a delicious recipe to add flavor and color to the table, an original idea that you will all love. Pepper meatballs are an...
The air fryer mushroom omelette is tasty light and simple to make. Are you looking for a recipe for a light and tasty dish? We propose...
Bavette with anchovy is a very simple first course to make and really good. If you have little time to cook and don't want to give...
A quick and tasty first course, for when you have almost nothing left in the pantry at home: spaghetti alla carrettiera. All you need is a...
Today we see the recipe for courgette parmigiana, a dish so good and tasty that it deserves a place of honor among the main courses on...
A detox diet is what you need to get back into shape: here are the best detox recipes, easy and quick. Today we are talking about...
Quick and easy, the pepper omelette is a second course to prepare in just a few steps. The pepper omelette is a very simple second course...
Of all the vegan desserts, the cold blueberry cake is one of the simplest and creamiest recipes: similar to a cheesecake, it does not require cooking....
What do raisins, rum and ice cream tell you? To us, incurable nostalgics, they remind us of the legendary Malaga ice cream. Here's the recipe! Let's...
Tasty and stringy, vegetarian stuffed peppers are as simple to make as they are to customize. Here is our recipe. The vegetarian stuffed peppers that we...
How to prepare gluten-free aubergine meatballs? The ingredients and the recipe to make a delicious second course! Gluten-free aubergine meatballs are a vegetarian second course perfect...
Peppers stuffed with tuna: the recipe for preparing a single summer dish perfect to serve even cold for lunch or dinner! Stuffed vegetables are a preparation...
Of all the summer preserves, raw aubergines in oil are one of the most popular. Here is our recipe for preparing them. Summer brings with it...
Salted caramel ice cream is a quick and easy dessert to make at home, with a very special taste. How about making some homemade salted caramel...
Cod in crazy water is a quick and easy second course as well as very tasty, perfect to enjoy with fresh bread. Cooking fish in crazy...
Peppers stuffed with bread are a typical Southern Italian side dish that is very simple to prepare. Here is our delicious recipe. Could there perhaps be...
How to freeze cooked and raw courgettes: ideas and suggestions for enjoying this typical summer vegetable even in winter. Courgettes are among the tastiest and most...
Green tomato jam is a delicious and original jam, perfect for pairing with cheeses or for creating tasty appetizers. Today we prepare a delicious green tomato...
Among the most well-known street foods are Palermo eat and drink, spring onion and bacon rolls to be cooked on the grill. If you are tired...
Creamy and fresh much more than its peers, the Greek yogurt cheesecake is perfect for summer, even in the variant with strawberries. Greek yogurt is a...