Tasty and simple to prepare, baked peppers stuffed with rice and tuna are perfect for trips out of town or family dinners. First course or main...
Good to taste and easy to serve, here's how to prepare tomatoes stuffed with couscous, olives and tuna. Tomatoes stuffed with couscous are an excellent idea...
Acne and pimples are common problems that affect people of all ages, not just during adolescence. Although they are more frequent among young people, they can...
Dr. Sheffield's finally arrives in Italy: the natural and certified toothpaste prepared following the ancient original recipe is available in four special flavours. Is there a...
Let's prepare the recipe for pan-fried lemon cake, a very soft and fragrant dessert. Lemon pan cake is super easy to make, even at the last...
Neapolitan-style aubergines in oil are a truly delicious summer preserve. Here is our recipe for preparing them with garlic, oregano and chilli pepper. There really is...
For a side dish that is as quick as it is healthy, here is the traditional recipe for vegetable ciambotta prepared as tradition dictates. The term...
The recipe for peppers stuffed with meat is really simple and perfect for making the best use of this tasty vegetable for a tasty and substantial...
Baked Ratatouille: the recipe for preparing a side dish of mixed vegetables, perfect for accompanying meat or fish main courses. Baked ratatouille, a delicious and tasty...
Stuffed peppers are always a good, tasty and never boring recipe. Here are our best variations and tips for an always impeccable result! A single dish,...
We prepare a delicious homemade stracciatella ice cream, in just a few minutes and with or without an ice cream maker. Do you want something fresh...
The Puccini cocktail is prepared with just two ingredients and is excellent to make at home as a winter aperitif. Puccini stands out for its citrus...
Few ingredients, quick cooking times: you have no excuse not to try Carillon pasta, a rustic and tasty first course. What an unusual name for this...
Here is the recipe for courgettes alla scapece, a typical Neapolitan dish in the classic version and without frying (in the oven or air fryer). Excellent...
The summer recipe for cold pasta with smoked salmon is a simple and quick idea. In summer, there is nothing better than a cold meal, which...
Here is the recipe for preparing an excellent non-alcoholic fruit aperitif that will amaze your guests who prefer not to drink alcohol. Happy hour is a...
Risotto with aubergines is a perfect first course for summer, simple to prepare and with a fresh flavour. Here's the recipe! Risotto is perfect when you...
For a mouth-watering first course, here is the recipe for making pasta with peppers and Philadelphia. The recipe for pasta with peppers and Philadelphia is a...
Fregola with clams is a typical first course of Sardinian cuisine, very tasty and tasty. Here's how to prepare it with the original recipe. Fregola is...
Bruschetta with salmon is a perfect summer recipe, easy and quick to prepare but also ideal to customize according to your tastes. Starters, aperitifs but also...