We bring a tasty second course to the table: pan-fried sea bream with a simple and perfect accompaniment for the whole family. If you are looking...
The stuffed peppers prepared with the Sicilian recipe are a typical product of this beautiful island that is really simple to prepare. Stuffed vegetables are a...
Here are the ingredients and the preparation to make a delicious summer dessert: the gluten-free ice cream biscuit, perfect to serve for a delicious snack or...
How to peel tomatoes? Here is the process, the tricks and some advice for a perfect result (in no time!). To prepare the sauce or a...
The potato and salmon salad is delicious, a light and substantial single dish to be enjoyed anywhere. Salads are always a great idea in summer. Today,...
Have you wondered what riso all'onda is? Haven't you understood what creaming consists of? Let's delve deeper into the topic of the difference between risotto all'onda...
Let's find out how to prepare, customize and make raw pepper salad easy to digest, a perfect side dish for summer. Peppers have the reputation of...
Preparing cavatelli with seafood is really simple and in less than an hour you will have a perfect first course ready for special occasions. If you...
Here are the best recipes for preparing homemade pesto: from the traditional Genoese to the more delicious variations, let's discover all the secrets of this sauce...
Chicken breast with peppers is a tasty and complete second course, with meat and vegetables. The chicken breast with peppers recipe is quick and easy, as...
If you have never tried the stuffed peppers recipe, now is the time to do it: their goodness is truly incredible! In Naples they are known...
Buckwheat meatballs with courgettes and carrots, a delicious second course different from the usual and completely gluten-free! Buckwheat meatballs with courgettes and carrots are a delicious...
The homemade sugar-free plum jam recipe is perfect for anyone who is on a diet or loves a light breakfast. If the traditional plum jam recipe...
Pasta with peppers and bacon is perfect if you are looking for a quick and easy first course with very few ingredients. Here is our recipe....
Served with a crunchy topping of toasted breadcrumbs, pasta with cruschi peppers is an amazing dish. Cruschi peppers are an excellence of Italian cuisine , in...
The perfect main dish for summer is chicken and potato salad, nutritious and suitable for many occasions. A valid alternative to the usual salads and cold...
How to prepare umbricelli, typical homemade spaghetti from Umbria with a thicker shape than the classic pasta shape. Wherever you go…first course typical you find! Umbricelli...
Few ingredients allow you to prepare an amazing side dish like aubergines au gratin. Here is the perfect recipe for summer. With the first warm weather,...
Few ingredients and lots of taste, this is what pasta with pepper cream is. Perfect for the summer, with its creaminess it makes everyone agree. Peppers...
Mushroom aubergines are the perfect recipe for a tasty side dish. Quick to prepare, they are suitable for accompanying many second courses. Mushroom aubergines are a...