Let's find out how to prepare homemade peeled tomatoes in a few simple steps so as to have a delicious and genuine preserve. Peeled tomatoes are...
Eggplant dipped in flour and egg and then fried, San Marzano tomato sauce and fiordilatte from Agerola: here is the Neapolitan aubergine parmigiana. How many versions...
What's better than a full-bodied and tasty seasoning for your pasta, like the one given by dried tomato pesto? When it comes to finding simple ways...
Perfect as if prepared by a professional, here is the recipe for the whiskey sour, a delicious cocktail. The whiskey sour is a very renowned and...
Chicken piccata is a meat-based second course that is as simple as it is tasty, here's how to prepare it. If you want to serve a...
Excellent as a first course or as a main course, couscous with tuna and chickpeas is very nutritious and tasty. Are you looking for a quick...
Do you have any fresh basil? Take advantage of this now to make and freeze Genoese pesto for next winter! Freezing Genoese pesto so you can...
Who said you have to give up a dish just because of its calories? Better to revisit it as we did with the light parmigiana. Among...
The quick and easy recipe for almond granita with the Thermomix will know how to sweeten your summer days! Among our recipes with the Thermomix, today...
Eggplant parmigiana is a timeless classic of our cuisine, with a thousand different recipes and a disputed paternity. Raise your hand if you've never eaten it!...
Crispy and tasty, radish salad is perfect if you are looking for a light side dish ready in a few minutes. With their bright color and...
In just a few steps it is possible to prepare excellent gratin peppers in the air fryer, without turning on the oven! Once again our beloved...
Soft and chewy, marshmallows are among the most popular candies not only by children. Let's find out how to prepare them at home! Marshmallows are the...
Green beans au gratin are a tasty side dish that is excellent to prepare with fresh green beans. Here is the quick and easy recipe. You...
To fill up on energy, there is the quick and easy recipe for the delicious chickpea farinata from Liguria. Pan-fried chickpea farinata is an even simpler...
Milk pudding is a fresh and really easy to prepare dessert. Here are all the secrets of the recipe! Milk pudding is a really good dessert,...
Also known as Saintes-Tropez cake, tarte tropezienne is a French dessert made of brioche bread and a rich cream. French cuisine is certainly not new to...
Courgette pesto is a fresh and colorful sauce, very quick to make and ideal for seasoning tasty first courses, suitable for any occasion. Want a fabulous...
Let's prepare a good maracuja caipiroska, a truly incredible cocktail, fresh and with lots of flavour. Have you ever tried passion fruit caipiroska? If the answer...
Roasted peppers are great as a side dish or appetizer, quick and easy to prepare. Peppers are very versatile and lend themselves to a variety of...