Preparing homemade pectin is an excellent way to naturally self-produce healthy and genuine preserves. Today we will reveal how to prepare a natural thickener for jams...
Here's how to prepare and season homemade pici, a typical Tuscan pasta shape that resembles large spaghetti. It's impossible to leave Tuscany without ever tasting pici....
Let's discover the recipe for the Umbrian first course par excellence, strangozzi alla spoletina, much more than a tomato pasta. The cuisine of the Umbrian region...
Preparing chocolate cake in a pan is very simple and represents an excellent alternative when looking for desserts without an oven. Did you know that cakes...
Buckwheat canapés with salmon and avocado mousse are an easy-to-prepare appetizer and also ideal for those following a gluten-free diet. If you have to organize an...
Preparing pan-fried peppers is really simple. Let's discover together the recipe to make them as good as in Naples and serve them as a side dish!...
Looking for a quick and at the same time tasty second course of meat? Try the sliced ​​rocket and parmesan! Sliced ​​rocket and parmesan is one...
The melon smoothie recipe is a very easy one to enjoy. The perfect choice to indulge in a refreshing cuddle. With the arrival of the first...
Air fryer courgette meatballs are easy to make, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Preparing zucchini meatballs in the air fryer is very...
Panzerotto, also called calzone, is a modern southern street food with very ancient origins. But what is it and how is it done? Let's find out!...
Tomato bruschetta is a simple but impressive appetizer, perfect for quick appetizers on any occasion. Let's discover the classic recipe and some tasty variations! Bruschetta is...
Let's try the ricotta semifreddo, a very good and simple dessert that does not require cooking. Ricotta semifreddo is a dessert with a unique and incredible...
Eggplant pâté is a tasty and versatile recipe, excellent for spreading on croutons but also perfect for seasoning pasta. Eggplants are one of the most versatile...
Excellent for enriching desserts such as tarts or for spreading on bread for breakfast: here's how to make blackberry jam! Let's see the classic recipe for...
Here are the ingredients and steps to prepare turkey with tuna sauce, a light and economical variant of the great Piedmontese classic. Turkey with tuna sauce...
Who doesn't dream of smooth, silky hair that slips through your fingers? Today the Feel Your Look experts are here to reveal the best professional methods...
Courgette hummus is a variation of the classic Middle Eastern recipe prepared without legumes. Here is the super creamy recipe. Hummus is a Middle Eastern dip...
Preparing a perfect risotto means using fresh ingredients and following all the phases carefully up to the creaming. Here are the 7 steps to make an...
The chocolate semifreddo is a simple dessert to prepare but with guaranteed success. Here is our foolproof recipe. When the beautiful days begin to make their...
The melon cake recipe is perfect for those looking for ideas to prepare delicious desserts with melon. Among the many sweet recipes with melon there is...