Periostitis: what it is, what the symptoms are and how to treat it

Periostitis is an inflammatory process that affects the periosteum. Let’s find out what the symptoms and possible treatments are.
By periostitis, we mean an inflammation caused by the connective membrane that lines the external part of the bone and which serves to protect and regenerate it. Linked to several bones in the area, it most often affects the tibia , which is why it is also known as tibial periostitis.
Learning to recognize it is obviously important in order to be able to start immediately with the right treatments. So let’s find out how much there is to know about it.
Tibial periostitis: symptoms to recognize
If one wonders what tibial periostitis is, just think of a very strong inflammatory form that affects the tibia.

The main causes are usually direct trauma, poor posture or obesity.
Due to the load on the periosteum and the resulting inflammation, it can also be said to be a problem that can be found more commonly among runners and athletes.
Going to the symptoms, these are summarized in very strong pain in the area of ​​the tibia and just above the ankle, difficulty in moving the toes and a sensation of heat. In some cases, localized swelling may also occur.
To understand when tibial periostitis lasts, it is important to distinguish between acute and chronic tibial periostitis. The first usually heals in a short time while the second can last much longer, also leading to the formation of calluses on the bone.
Tibial periostitis: possible remedies
When tibial periostitis is found, the main cure is undoubtedly represented by rest and abstaining from any form of sport.
Generally the doctor, once the situation is understood, will be able to choose whether to prescribe anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxants to be associated with tecar therapy and ultrasounds.
These will then be followed by targeted exercises and the possible use of orthotics capable of supporting the foot and leg muscles.
In more serious cases it is possible to resort to cortisone infiltrations. If the inflammation is caught in time, however, this solution is almost never necessary.
What matters is to seek immediate medical attention once the first symptoms have been recognized.
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