Polymenorrhea: what it is, what the symptoms are and how to treat it
Polymenorrhea is a menstrual disorder. Let's find out what it means, how to recognize it and what are the methods of intervention.
Polymenorrhea is a condition in which menstrual cycles are shorter than 21 days. In general, in fact, a "normal" cycle is about 28 days with variations that can go from 21 to 35. Outside of these ranges, there is a disorder such as polymenorrhea, the opposite of which is oligomenorrhea, a cycle longer than 35 days.
This type of loop is usually pretty accurate but shorter than it should be . When this happens, it is therefore advisable to consult a doctor.
What are the causes of polymenorrhea
As already mentioned, polymenorrhea is a menstrual cycle disorder. As such, therefore, it almost always has triggers.
Among the best known may be:
– Lack of ovulation
– A shorter follicular phase
– A poor luteal phase
– Hypothyroidism
– Cushing's syndrome
– Presence of uterine fibroids
– Endometriosis
– Hyperprolactinaemia
– Acromegaly
– Stress

If in puberty and pre-menopause, some episodes of polymenorrhea are to be considered almost normal , this does not apply to the remaining moments of life, in which such a cycle variation can indicate a problem that needs to be recognized and treated.
This is especially true if you are trying to get pregnant. Situation in which, once the problem has been established, the doctor can prescribe hormone therapy.
Symptoms and problems related to polymenorrhea
Due to frequent blood loss, those suffering from polymenorrhea may experience an iron deficiency. To this can be added the symptoms that are:
– Difficulty concentrating
– Memory problems
– Pallor
– Constant feeling of exhaustion
– Lack of air
In the presence of these symptoms, therefore, if the cycle begins to be shorter, it is advisable to immediately seek advice from your doctor.
How to find and cure polymenorrhea
When you have a suspicion about problems related to your period, it is very important to be examined in order to investigate and learn about the problems present.
After a careful medical history, the doctor will be able to prescribe blood tests including hormone tests and at the same time evaluate the function of the thyroid gland. In addition, tests such as ultrasound, MRI, CT or laparoscopy may be required.
Once the polymenorrhea has been identified, you can choose to wait for it to resolve itself, perhaps by slightly changing your lifestyle. This means following a balanced diet, playing sports and avoiding sources of stress as much as possible. It should in fact be remembered that the menstrual cycle can be largely affected by trauma or tensive situations which must therefore always be reported to the doctor during the anamnesis phase. Alternatively (i.e. when it persists) your doctor may prescribe hormones to treat it.
If there are problems that have caused it to appear, they will have to be treated in order to return the cycle to its normality. Finally, for iron deficiency, the doctor can supplement the same through food or external supplements. In any case, polymenorrhea is easily treatable within a short time.
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