Privacy Policy
PRIVACY POLICY (being updated)
I. The Delta Pictures srl Group, the protection of privacy and the processing of personal data
Delta Pictures srl, with registered office in via G. Boglietti 2 (13900) Biella (VAT no. 02154000026), share capital Euro 50,000.00 (hereinafter also only Delta ) pays profound attention to the issues of protection of personal data from it processed not only because they are the subject of specific legislation but above all because the protection of data constitutes a fundamental asset of our Group which includes the sites indicated in (hereinafter also the Group ).
These are the reasons why we are constantly committed to providing our Users with a web experience that fully respects and protects the processing of personal data.
The Privacy Policy adopted and the related information are provided for the Delta Pictures srl website ( ), managed by Delta Pictures srl as Data Controller also pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016 /679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter only GDPR) and also for other websites referable to and controlled by Delta that process personal data.
II. Principles
The Privacy Policy and Standards used by Delta for the protection of personal data are based on the following principles:
Principle of responsibility. The processing of personal data is managed over time by specific responsibilities identified within the company organisation.
Principle of transparency. Personal data is collected and subsequently processed according to the principles expressed by the Privacy Policy adopted by Delta and indicated in this Privacy Policy.
Collection relevance principle. Personal data is processed lawfully and correctly; are recorded for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes; are relevant and do not exceed the purposes of the processing; are kept for the time necessary for the purposes of collection.
Principle of purpose of use. The purposes of the processing of personal data are made known to the interested parties at the time of collection. Any new data processing, if unrelated to the declared purposes, is activated following new information to the interested party and any request for consent, when required by the GDPR.
Safety principle. Personal data are protected by technical, IT, organisational, logistical and procedural security measures, against the risks of destruction or loss, even accidental, and unauthorized access or unauthorized processing.
These measures are updated periodically based on technical progress, the nature of the data and the specific characteristics of the processing, constantly monitored and verified over time.
Third parties who carry out support activities of any kind for the provision of services by Delta companies in relation to which they carry out personal data processing operations, are designated by the latter as Data Controllers and are contractually bound to respect measures for the security and confidentiality of processing.
The identity of these third parties is made known to users.
With the consent of the interested parties, if required by law, and in any case following adequate information specifying the various purposes, personal data may be communicated to third parties, public and private, unrelated to Delta who will process them as independent data controllers.
Delta is in no way responsible for the processing of personal data carried out by said third party data controllers.
Delta also assumes no responsibility for:
- the rules and methods of managing personal data of other websites, accessible from our pages through links and references;
- the contents of any e-mail services, web spaces, chat forums provided to users.
The processing connected to the web services offered by the Group takes place at the Delta headquarters and possibly at the offices of the external data processors and are handled by data processors responsible for managing the requested services and marketing activities – where requested by the user –, data storage activities and occasional maintenance operations.
III. General scope of communication of personal data
The personal data provided may be communicated to third parties to fulfill legal obligations, in execution of orders from legitimate public authorities or to assert or defend a right in court.
If necessary in relation to particular services or products requested, personal data may be communicated to third parties who carry out, as independent data controllers, functions strictly connected and instrumental to the provision of services or supply of contents and products. Without communication, these services, products and editorial content may not be provided in whole or in part.
The data may be communicated:
- to companies, consultants or professionals possibly responsible for the installation, maintenance, updating and, in general, management of Delta ‘s hardware and software or which it uses for the provision of its services;
- to Delta employees and/or collaborators ;
- to all those public and/or private entities, natural and/or legal persons (legal, administrative and tax consultancy firms, Judicial Offices, Chambers of Commerce, Chambers and Labor Offices, etc.), if the communication is necessary or functional to the correct fulfillment of the contractual obligations assumed, as well as the obligations deriving from the law.
IV. Types of data collected, purposes and methods of processing
With the express consent of the user in the forms required by law, the following are carried out, including with electronic tools:
1) analysis and profiling activities relating to the User’s choices and personal data for the purpose of improving the offer of services and commercial information, direct sales, market research on products, services and events of Delta companies ;
2) data processing for the purpose of sending commercial and promotional information, direct sales, market research on Delta products, services and events (hereinafter collectively defined as “marketing activities”) ;
3) for marketing activities including third party transferees of personal data and belonging to the publishing, finance, economics, industry, luxury, services, telecommunications, ICT, insurance and non-profit sectors as well as third parties who offer professional services and in the future Delta reserves the right to carry out marketing activities also on behalf of other categories of third parties which are not currently defined;
4) analysis of navigation data and purchasing and professional choices (“profiling”) with the aim of improving Delta’s marketing.
Personal data can also be obtained from Delta partner companies also belonging to the publishing, finance, economics, industry, luxury, services, telecommunications, ICT, insurance, non-profit sectors as well as of third parties who offer professional services as well as from sources accessible to the public and the related processing will take place in accordance with the provisions of points 1,2,3 and 4 above.
The processing for the purposes referred to in numbers 1,2,3 and 4 will take place using traditional tools (paper mail) and through the use of remote communication techniques, such as telephone, even without an operator, e-mail, mms, sms.
Consent may be expressed or denied to one or more treatments for the purposes indicated in points 1,2,3 or 4.
The provision of data for these purposes is optional, there are no contractual or legal obligations and the processing requires the customer’s consent, in compliance with Delta ‘s unquestionable rights to ensure that these services, products and contents (of a fungible or renounceable nature) may not be provided in whole or in part, in the absence of the necessary financial coverage, as also prescribed in paragraph V of this information, given that the work of the editorial team and the possibility of freely accessing our contents are also supported by revenues deriving from profiled advertising .
V. Data provided by the user: free consent
The types of personal data collected and processed on the Group ‘s sites are collected and processed using paper, automated and electronic methods and with logic strictly related to the purposes of the processing.
Your fax and telephone numbers and your e-mail address may also be used to offer you the services.
It is therefore clear that, if such data is not provided, you will not be able to be provided with those services that require the use of these tools.
If you do not express your consent to the use of e-mail and telephone for the purposes of advertising information or direct sales or interactive commercial communication, these tools will not be used for this purpose.
Specific information may be reported on the Group pages set up for the possible provision of personal data. Any voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses indicated on the site involves the acquisition of the sender’s address as well as any other information contained in the message; such personal data will be used for the sole purpose of carrying out the service or provision requested.
The work of the editorial team and the possibility of freely accessing our contents are also supported by revenues deriving from profiled advertising.
For these reasons, your free consent to the use of cookies for purposes other than those strictly indispensable is requested, as indicated in the cookie policy in order to achieve revenues deriving from marketing activities.
As is known, on the subject of consent to data processing, the principles also endorsed in the jurisprudential field are summarized as follows:
(i) consent to the processing of data not necessary for a fungible or renounceable service whose provision is requested is not necessarily conditional, even if consent is a condition for being able to use the service itself;
(ii) the exchange of personal data as “consideration” for the service (fungible or renounceable) received is admissible, provided that it derives from full and in no way coerced consent.
If you therefore freely choose to deny your consent, you may not access all or part of the contents offered by the Group or to access the contents you may be required to pay a subscription to access our services.
Apart from what is specified for navigation data, the user is free to provide or not provide the requested personal data and, moreover, some data may be marked as mandatory; it must be understood that such data are necessary for the provision of the requested service.
If this data is not provided, the requested service may not be provided and it will not be possible to take advantage of the related opportunities.
At the time of the provision of data, the interested party is provided with information containing all the requirements dictated by the GDPR.
The interested party is therefore called to express his informed, free consent, expressed in a specific form and documented in the form required by law, where required by the same. If the provision of personal data occurs in subsequent phases, additions to the information already provided previously may be provided and new consent to the processing may be requested.
YOU. Browsing data and related storage
It is useful to know that the site’s software procedures acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data (navigation data) whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.
Although this information is not intended to be associated with identified users, by its nature, if associated with other data held by third parties (e.g. your internet service provider), it could allow users to be identified. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the addresses in URL (Uniform Resource Locator) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s IT environment. This data is used for the sole purpose of anonymous statistics on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning.
The Data Controller and, depending on the service requested, the designated Managers retain, for a limited period according to the law, the trace (LOG) of the connections/navigations carried out to respond to any requests coming from the judicial authority or otherwise public body entitled to request said trace to ascertain any liability in the event of computer crimes.
Delta will retain your personal data for the time necessary to execute your requests and for the purposes and within the terms permitted by law. The work of the editorial staff and the possibility of freely accessing our contents are also supported by revenues deriving from profiled advertising and for these reasons your free consent to the use of cookies for purposes other than those strictly necessary is requested, as indicated in the cookie policy and, therefore, Delta will retain the data until you revoke your consent.
VII. Security measures adopted to protect the data collected. owner of the personal data processing and exercise of rights by the user
The protections activated for personal data aim, in particular, to minimize the risks of destruction or loss, even accidental, of data, unauthorized access or processing that is not permitted or does not comply with the purposes of the collection. Periodic “Risk Analysis” activities are conducted to verify compliance with the defined Standards and possibly adopt new security measures following organizational changes and technological innovations or changes in the type of data collected. Security measures are constantly monitored and periodically verified.
The subjects to whom the personal data refer have the right at any time to exercise their rights as provided for by the GDPR and, in particular the right of the interested party to ask the data controller for access to personal data and for rectification or cancellation of the same or the limitation of the processing of personal data concerning him or to oppose their processing, in addition to the right to data portability and the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.
Delta Pictures srl has also appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO), who can be contacted by users of the Site to exercise the rights recognized by the GDPR.
The DPO contact is as follows: [email protected] .
Delta Pictures srl, as Data Controller of personal data, can be contacted at the following addresses:
Address: Delta Pictures Srl, with registered office in via G. Boglietti 2 (13900) Biella.
Telephone: (+39)
Or by accessing the contact form on the Delta Pictures websites.
Third party sites that can be accessed through this website are not covered by this policy. Delta assumes no responsibility for them. The categories of cookies used and the type of processing of personal data by these companies are regulated in accordance with the information provided by these companies.
An IP address is a number automatically assigned to your computer every time you connect to the Internet through your Internet Provider or from a company LAN/WAN that uses the same Internet protocols.
Like your home address, where others can send you material, the IP address is used by the website to send you its pages.
The Data Controller and, depending on the service requested, the designated Managers retain, for a limited period according to the law, personal data for the purposes indicated above and, in any case, until any request for rectification or cancellation by part of the User.
The Delta Pictures srl Group, the protection of privacy and the processing of personal data Delta Pictures srl, with registered office in via G. Boglietti 2 (13900) Biella (VAT number 02154000026), share capital Euro 50,000.00 (hereinafter also only Delta) pays deep attention to the issues of protection of personal data processed by it not only because it is the subject of specific legislation but above all because data protection constitutes a fundamental asset of our Group which includes the sites indicated in https: //www.deltapictures .it (hereinafter also Group ).
These are the reasons why we are constantly committed to providing our Users with a web experience that fully respects and protects the processing of personal data. The Privacy Policy adopted and the related information are provided for the Delta Pictures srl website (, managed by Delta Pictures srl as Data Controller also pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016 /679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter only GDPR) and also for other websites referable to and controlled by Delta that process personal data.
What are cookies and what are they for
A cookie is a text file that a website visited by the user sends to his terminal
(computer, mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet), where it is stored before
being re-transmitted to that site on a subsequent visit to the same site.
Cookies are distinguished from each other:
- based on the person who installs them, depending on whether it is the same operator of the site visited (so-called “first-party cookies”) or a different person (so-called “third-party cookies”).
- based on the purpose of each cookie: some cookies allow better navigation, memorizing some user choices, for example the language (so-called “technical cookies”), other cookies allow monitoring the user’s navigation also for the purpose of sending advertising and/or offer services in line with your preferences (so-called “profiling cookies”).
Only profiling cookies require the user’s prior consent to their use.
The Site uses first-party technical cookies, for the installation of which no consent is required from the user, as well as third-party profiling cookies which, however, require consent to their use (described in section 2 ” Cookies installed via the Site” below).
Delta Pictures is responsible, in its capacity as data controller, exclusively for the
first-party cookies it installs on the Site
1. Method to express consent to profiling cookies
1.1. On your first visit to the Site , you can accept all cookies by closing the banner, scrolling the page or clicking any of its elements or by clicking on “Accept” in the banner itself.
1.2. During your first visit to the Site , if you do not carry out any of the actions indicated in point 1.1 but, from the banner, access this extended information, you can interact with the individual consent forms present in the extended information where it is possible to provide and/or deny consent, as appropriate, to the installation of cookies by clicking on the appropriate link in the “privacy information and consent form” column of the table below. Attention: if you do not interact with the consent forms and exit the extended information, closing the page on which the information is contained or continuing to browse the Site, you give consent for all cookies. If you therefore freely choose to deny consent to one or more processing of profiling data, you may not access all or part of the contents offered by the site or you may be required to pay a subscription to access the contents. to access our services.
1.3. On subsequent visits to the Site (provided that you have previously expressed your preference regarding the use of cookies, as indicated in points 1.1 and 1.2 above), you can access the extended information through the “Cookie Policy” link. present on every page of the Site and deny consent to third-party profiling cookies by clicking on the “consent form” reported (where available), for each third-party cookie, in section 2 “Cookies installed via the Site” which follows.
1.4. In any case, through your browser settings . The procedure to follow to configure these settings is as follows:
Internet Explorer
Change Cookie settings
Click on the “Tools” icon, “Internet Options”, then the “Privacy” tab. You can adjust the cookie acceptance policy by moving the relevant slider up or down or click on the “Sites” button and in the window that appears authorize or block the acceptance of cookies on a site-by-site basis. Click “OK” to apply the changes.
Deletion of Cookies
Select “Tools,” “Internet Options,” then “Delete” from the “Browsing History” pane. You will find a series of entries including Cookie. Check that the check mark is activated next to its name and press “Delete”.
Google Chrome
Change Cookie settings
Type chrome://settings/ in the address bar then select “Show advanced settings” at the bottom of the page and, subsequently, “Content settings” in the “Privacy” section and then “Allow data to be saved locally ( recommended)”, then “Done”.
Deletion of Cookies
Type chrome://history/ into the address bar and then select “Clear browsing data…”. You will find a series of items including “Cookies and other site and plugin data”. Check that the check mark is activated next to your name and press “Clear browsing data”.
However, we recommend that you always check the updated guide at this link: hl=it
Mozilla Firefox
Change Cookie settings
Access the options via the menu icon, then select the “Privacy” section. Under history choose: “use personalized settings” then adjust the management of cookies through the options made available by the program. Click “OK” to apply the changes.
Deletion of Cookies
Access the options via the menu icon, then select the “Privacy” section. Under history choose: “use custom settings” then click on “Show cookies”. The Cookies window will appear: In the “Search” field, type the name of the site whose cookies you want to remove. A list will appear showing the cookies relating to the search carried out. In the list, select the cookies to remove and click on the “Remove Selected” button. To delete all cookies stored on your computer you can use the “Remove all cookies” button.
However, we recommend that you always check the updated guide at this link:
Change Cookie settings
Click on the “Preferences” item from the “Tools” menu (CTRL+ key combination) then select the “Privacy” section. Choose the cookie management policy by choosing an option from those proposed by the program and then close the options window using the close icon at the top right.
Deletion of Cookies
Click on the “Preferences” item from the “Tools” menu (CTRL+ key combination) then select the “Privacy” section. Click on “Remove all website data” and then confirm your choice. Choose the cookie management policy by choosing an option from those proposed by the program and then close the options window using the close icon at the top right.
However, we recommend that you always check the updated guide at this link:
In the case of devices such as smartphones, tablets, etc., we ask you to check that each browser on each device is adjusted to express your preferences regarding cookies.
For behavioral advertising cookies you can also set your preferences through the website (the system operates with reference to participating companies that use cookies for behavioral advertising).
2. Cookies installed via the Site
2.1. Technical cookies that do not require the user’s prior consent
First name | Purpose of cookies | Expiration |
cookiePolicy | Remembers the options chosen by the user present in the banner that contains the short cookie information | 30 days |
videoid | Manages the redirect to the desired video if a video is protected from registration or prohibited for minors | session |
demFlow_newsletter_cookie | The newsletter profiling banner is re-proposed every two days | 2 days |
demFlow_newsletter_processed | If the user completes the subscription to the newsletter, it will not appear again for 1 year. | 365 days |
demFlow_rem | If within 15 days of profiling the user returns to the Site, activate social remarketing. | 15 days |
demFlow_remarketing_cookie_info | It keeps the user data left during newsletter registration saved in memory. The data saved are: EMAIL (Required) and NAME (optional) | 365 days |
login | If the user selects the checkbox on “remember me”, the persistent cookie token “laravel_session” is written. The social login works through Facebook open auth with a persistent duration. | 10 years |
printCookie_v2 | Printing functionality | 30 days |
expires | It operates as an auto-promo newsletter tabunder, if present | 12 hours |
2.2. Third-party profiling cookies that require the user’s prior consent
Statistical and analytical cookies
The Site uses third-party cookies, even in disaggregated form, for statistical and analysis purposes.
Supplier | Cookie name | Purpose | Privacy information and consent form |
Adform. Inc. | Adform | Carry out statistical analyses | Privacy Policy: Consent Form: |
Longtail Ad Solutions, Inc | JW Player | Carry out statistical analyses | Privacy Policy: Consent form: Not present |
Google, Inc. | Google Analytics | Carry out statistical analyses | Privacy policy: Consent form: Not present |
Google, Inc. | Google Recaptcha | Perform anti-spam analysis | Privacy Policy: Consent Form: Not present |
Nielsen Company (US), LLC. | SiteCensus | Carry out statistical analyses | Privacy policy: Consent form: Not present |
Full Circle Studies | ScoreCard | Carry out statistical analyses | Privacy information: Not present . Consent form: Not present |
Weborama | Weborama | Carry out statistical analyses | Privacy Policy: Consent Form: |
Webtrekk GmbH | Webtrekk | Carry out statistical analyses | Privacy Policy: Consent Form: |
Triboo data analytics srl | ShinyStat | Carry out statistical analyses | Privacy information: Consent form: |
Mediamath | Mediamath | Carry out statistical analyses | Privacy Policy: Consent form: Not present |
Advertising cookies
Cookies that release advertising communications
Supplier | Cookie name | Purpose | Privacy information and consent form |
AppNexus Inc. | AppNexus | Advertising communications, also consistent with the interests expressed by the user during his browsing on the internet | Privacy Policy: Consent Form: |
Google, Inc. | Doubleclick | Advertising communications, also consistent with the interests expressed by the user during his browsing on the internet | Privacy Policy: Consent form: Not present |
DigitalBloom Srl | DigitalBloom | Advertising communications, also consistent with the interests expressed by the user during his browsing on the internet | Privacy information: Consent form: Not present |
OpenX Software Ltd | OpenX | Advertising communications, also consistent with the interests expressed by the user during his browsing on the internet | Privacy Policy: Consent Form: Not present |
Rubicon Project | Rubicon | Advertising communications, also consistent with the interests expressed by the user during his browsing on the internet | Privacy Policy: Consent Form: |
Sizmek, Inc. | Sizmeck | Advertising communications, also consistent with the interests expressed by the user during his browsing on the internet | Privacy Policy: Form: |
Smartclip Holding AG | Smartclip | Advertising communications, also consistent with the interests expressed by the user during his browsing on the internet | Privacy policy: Consent form: Not present |
P&G | P&G | Advertising communications, also consistent with the interests expressed by the user during his browsing on the internet | Privacy Policy: Consent form: Not present |
Tapad | Tapad | Advertising communications, also consistent with the interests expressed by the user during his browsing on the internet | Privacy Policy: Consent form: Not present |
4w Marketplace Srl | 4w Marketplace | Advertising communications, also consistent with the interests expressed by the user during his browsing on the internet | Privacy Policy: Consent form: Not present |
4Strokemedia SpA | 4Strokemedia | Advertising communications, also consistent with the interests expressed by the user during his browsing on the internet | Privacy Policy: Consent form: Not present |
Teads SA | Teads | Advertising communications, also consistent with the interests expressed by the user during his browsing on the internet | Privacy Policy: tri Not present |
WebAds srl | WebAds | Advertising communications, also consistent with the interests expressed by the user during his browsing on the internet | Privacy information: Consent form: Not present |
Seedtag Advertising, SL | Seedtag | Advertising communications, also consistent with the interests expressed by the user during his browsing on the internet | Privacy policy: Consent form: |
Criteo SA | Criteo | Advertising communications, also consistent with the interests expressed by the user during his browsing on the internet | Privacy Policy: Consent Form: |
Taboola, Inc. | Taboola | Advertising communications, also consistent with the interests expressed by the user during his browsing on the internet | Privacy Policy: Consent Form: |
Flash cookies
Cookies that allow the operation of videos on the Site
Supplier | Cookie name | Purpose | Privacy information and consent form |
Smiling | Smiling | Allows video playback | Privacy information: Not present Consent form: Not present |
Social network cookies
Supplier | Cookie name | Purpose | Privacy information and consent form |
Facebook, Inc. | It allows the provision of services offered by the Facebook social network | Privacy information: Consent form: Not present | |
Oracle, Inc. | Addthis | It allows the provision of the services offered by Addthis | Privacy Policy: Consent Form: |
Additional information provided by Delta Pictures
Delta Pictures, as data controller, with reference to cookies installed
directly from the Site, specifies the following:
- the data are collected only for the purposes and for the duration indicated in the previous tables and are processed electronically;
- the use of technical cookies does not require the user’s prior consent as these are cookies necessary to allow navigation within the Site and the correct functioning of the Site itself. In case of removal of technical cookies through the browser settings, navigation within the Site may not be possible, in whole or in part;
- the data collected by first-party cookies may be communicated to subjects acting on behalf of Delta Pictures as data controllers or processors, for purposes related to those described above.
With reference to third-party cookies, the purposes of these cookies, the logic underlying the related processing as well as the management of user preferences with respect to the cookies themselves are not determined and/or verified by Delta Pictures but by the third party who supplies them, as supplier and data controller, as indicated in the tables above.