
Respiratory diseases: what they are and how to treat them

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Respiratory diseases are diverse and can be serious. Let's find out which are the most common and how to treat them.

If we think of diseases of the respiratory system, more commonly known as respiratory diseases, these are among the leading causes of death in the world.
From asthma to infectious diseases that can involve the bronchi or lungs , there are so many diseases to take into account. Knowing them is therefore a first step in understanding when it is appropriate to act promptly and to consult a doctor in order to find the right treatment capable of leading to complete recovery.

What are the diseases to recognize

If we talk about diseases of the respiratory system, we range from the common cough to bronchitis and emphysema. It is therefore a long list of pathologies that have different symptoms and which can be more or less serious. Here, then, is a brief summary of the best known and to which it is always important to pay attention.

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As trivial as it may sound, even the common cold is one of the diseases of the respiratory system. In fact, it tends to affect the first ways (nose and throat) and if treated it resolves itself in a short time. If left out, however, it can get worse, leading to more important consequences.


Cough is also one of the three respiratory diseases and this is because it is a response to many of them. It is in fact a sort of defense put in place by the body to free the airways from excess mucus. It can be both oily and dry.


In this case we speak of an infectious disease caused by a virus . Its course, normally uneventful, can, however, worsen in people with a low immune system. In the most serious cases, therefore, it can evolve into viral or bacterial pneumonia.


This inflammation is harmless but annoying and involves the paranasal sinuses. Hence the name sinusitis . In some cases it may be of bacterial origin.


Quite common, this disease leads to even major difficulties in breathing.
It can depend on stress, allergic factors, smoke, physical activity, etc… It often tends to go back on its own but in some cases it can prove to be chronic and to be followed over time with the appropriate medicines prescribed by the doctor.


Almost always of the allergic type it is an inflammatory response of the nose when there are particular substances in the air.

Pharyngitis and laryngitis

Also in this case, we are faced with forms of inflammation. In this case of the pharynx and larynx. These can be chronic and lead to difficulty swallowing or breathing. They are often accompanied by a cough.


Pathology of obstructive type involving the lungs and characterized by a dilatation of the terminal bronchioles with destruction of the walls.


This particular inflammation involves the mucous membranes of the bronchi and can occur in both acute and chronic forms. It often occurs when the body is rather debilitated and in some cases it can be asthmatic .


In this case, the lungs are involved and become inflamed and filled with fluid. Breathing is difficult and can have a bacterial or viral origin.


A mix of the two previous ones is the most serious form and requires special care in order to heal completely and without leaving aftermath.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

This chronic and progressive disease is characterized by bronchial obstruction and airway limitation.


In this case, the inflammation involves the pleura which is the membrane that lines both the lungs and the inside of the chest cavity.

Whooping cough

This bacterial infectious disease is highly contagious and if caught in adulthood it can even be dangerous due to the continuous cough that makes it difficult to breathe.


Infectious disease still present, it is caused by Koch's bacillus and requires careful antibiotic treatment.

Lung cancer

A completely different disease from the previous one, it involves the lungs and can be both benign and malignant.

As it is easy to understand from the list above, causes and symptoms are therefore variable and subject to the disease in progress. The common element, however, remains the difficulty in breathing.

As far as prevention is concerned, the only correct way to act is to take care of one's health and not to neglect even the most banal symptom such as cough or sinusitis. By doing this and contacting your doctor in case of strange symptoms or that do not return on their own, it will be much easier not to encounter more serious pathologies.

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