
Seasonal vegetables of June: here are which ones to choose to eat in a healthy and natural way


Seasonal June vegetables: here's what's best to choose to eat healthily, cheaply and genuinely.

The month of June is preparing to open the doors to summer , bringing with it a whole series of seasonal foods to include in one's diet. June's seasonal vegetables offer various foods rich in beneficial properties for the body that we shouldn't take for granted. So let's find out which vegetables to choose in this month so loved by everyone.


Green leafy vegetables: great for everyone

Among the vegetables of June, there are many of those already tasted in May such as cucumbers and courgettes or broad beans and peas and to which new ones are added in order to enrich the choice.


Different types of vegetables belong to this group, all rich in properties. Among those present in the month of June are:

– The lettuce
– The radicchio
– Chicory
The spinach
– The rocket

These are vegetables rich in mineral salts and vitamins and which among the benefits they bring include that of protecting heart health and lowering blood pressure levels.

Potatoes and carrots: a precious source of vitamins

potatoes and carrots

Both rich in B vitamins , potatoes and carrots act as antioxidants, plus they have anti-inflammatory properties. Excellent to taste in different dishes, in this period of the year they offer the best both in appearance and in taste . Among the potatoes we especially mention the news, definitely in season.

Peppers: a load of antioxidants


Colorful, cheerful and full of flavor and aromas , peppers are among the most popular vegetables of the summer.

Perfect both cooked and raw, they are in fact a good way to bring joy to the kitchen… all while taking care of your health! Peppers are in fact valid antioxidants and to this we add the fact that, having few calories, they are among the perfect foods for those on a diet. Finally, they also boast a slight diuretic effect, which is indicated if you are trying to detox a bit.

Eggplants: allies for losing weight


Belonging, like other vegetables, to the Solanaceae family, aubergines are among the typically summer vegetables and therefore excellent to be enjoyed in the month of June. In addition to having diuretic properties, they are rich in mineral salts and vitamins. They also contain various fibers, proving to be suitable for those who need to lower cholesterol levels or those on a diet. In fact, these are vegetables with very few calories.

Tomatoes: friends of the immune system


Tomatoes are among the fruits (even if consumed as vegetables) richest in beneficial properties. In fact, they boast a high quantity of vitamins to which lycopene is added, known to be a powerful antioxidant. Friends of the immune system, they boost it and help it work better. Furthermore, they are useful for counteracting bad cholesterol .

Spring onions: excellent antibacterials

spring onion

From the same family as garlic, spring onions are more than ever present during the summer and bring many beneficial properties. If eaten raw they are in fact natural antibacterials with antibiotic properties. This is combined with a mild diuretic effect which makes them perfect if you are on a diet or feel weighed down. Decongestants and emollients even help soothe the presence of mucus in case of a cold .

These vegetables, if eaten in season, are a real panacea for health, proving to be suitable for improving one's health. And all thanks to the many properties they offer to the body.

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