Spring allergies: what they are and how to recognize them
Spring allergies are many and varied. Let's find out how to distinguish them and what are the signs to recognize them.
Spring, you know, is a season both loved and feared by allergy sufferers . There are, in fact, the so-called spring allergies which start even before the season and which go on for some time causing many problems for those who suffer from it.
Among the most important aspects, when it comes to spring allergies, there is the ability to know how to distinguish them in order to recognize the one you suffer from. A method that allows you to better protect yourself by avoiding the allergen or allergens that cause problems and thus living a simpler life. Let's find out, therefore, which are the most common allergies, when and where they occur and how to remedy them.
What are spring allergies
It is estimated that in Italy there are more than 18 million who suffer from spring allergies . Yet, only a small proportion is aware of the allergens that cause them problems and ways to defend themselves against them. In fact, pollen is the cause of all this, but not everyone is allergic to all types.

In fact, in nature there are various types of pollen that are found in specific geographical areas and which, therefore, can be monitored in order to know how to move to reduce or improve the symptoms.
Northern Italy, for example, is rich in birches and hazelnut trees, which is why it may be more at risk (especially in mountainous areas) for those allergic to birch trees . In the center and south, on the other hand, pollen from the olive tree and parietaria are more present (also present in the north but to a lesser extent). Finally there are the grasses more present in the center but also in the rest of the country.
Since the symptoms that are accused in case of pollen allergy are always the same, i.e. runny nose, burning or watery eyes, closing throat, migraine, hives and difficulty sleeping, know the places where you risk suffering more is useful, first of all, to equip yourself with everything you need to counteract allergies.
How to protect yourself from spring allergies
The first thing to do when you suffer from spring allergies is to carry out tests in the hospital to find out the culprit allergen (or allergens).
In this way it will be possible to move with greater awareness , avoiding the offending areas (especially in the periods in which that particular pollen is more present) or gearing up so as not to suffer too much. In this sense, it can be useful to consult pollen calendars or check the weather on your smartphone, which often has the highest incidence of certain pollens in the air.
If you go out, it is better to avoid parks and mountain places and if you cannot do without them, it may be useful to bring a mask with you. To this you will then have to add the antihistamine or what is prescribed by the allergist after having carried out the tests. Based on the degree of allergy or the possible concomitance with other allergies or pathologies, the doctor will in fact choose the most suitable medical device to get through the season without too many problems.
In this way, although it remains a rather unpleasant problem, even pollen allergies can be overcome and lived in a better way. Which will certainly improve the quality of life.
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