
Strawberry diet, to lose weight easily: this is how it works

The strawberry diet allows you to lose weight and deflate easily. Let's find out how!

When spring arrives, the craving for strawberries is almost a consequence. It is, in fact, a delicious fruit rich in properties. Fruit that, for those who love them, can also be enjoyed when trying to lose weight. Among the many existing diets, there is in fact also that of strawberries, which helps to lose weight easily and which, among other things, has an anti-inflammatory and purifying action.
This diet is to be followed for a week and is also valid for counteracting cellulite blemishes and water retention. All thanks to some of the many properties of strawberries which include the presence of vitamins B and C. In short, it is a diet that is really worth experimenting with.

Strawberry diet example: what do you eat?

Strawberries are particularly rich in iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium , substances that are good for our body as they firm the skin, reactivate the metabolism , drain and perform many other functions that are excellent for health. Before starting the diet, of course, it is always better to seek the opinion of your trusted doctor in order to understand if it is a suitable food style for your personal situation. Also, it is important to keep in mind that this diet is not suitable for those who suffer from strawberry allergies and in general. This fruit, in fact, makes you more sensitive to histamine.


Having taken the necessary precautions, let's move on to understanding what is eaten within this diet.
On Mondays , 100 grams of strawberries are eaten for breakfast with a glass of milk. For lunch, steamed chicken and beets, with a slice of wholemeal bread, while for dinner, a mixed salad of vegetables with the addition of strawberries. On Tuesday breakfast remains the same, for lunch you eat oily fish with steamed potatoes and carrots, while for dinner you choose a mixed salad and conclude with a Greek yogurt with strawberries .

Wednesday breakfast is the same, while for lunch you eat a salad with cooked ham and a slice of toasted bread. For dinner two eggs with spinach, plus five strawberries. On Thursday we start with the usual breakfast, for lunch we eat legumes with vegetables of your choice and the usual fruit, while for dinner a mixed salad plus strawberries. On Friday , the traditional breakfast throughout the week remains constant, for lunch there is, however, blue fish with vegetables plus fruit, and fresh cheese with vegetables and strawberries for dinner.

The weekend continues with the usual breakfast that does not change throughout the week. Saturday for lunch we eat a vegetable minestrone with a slice of lean meat and some bread. For dinner, a boiled egg with vegetables, plus five strawberries. On Sunday for lunch chickpea soup, vegetables and bread and for dinner an omelette with vegetables and strawberries.

Meals are therefore almost always balanced, except for breakfast where it is however possible to consume sugar-free soy milk together with strawberries. Protein-free dinners can have a small addition of lean protein such as plain chicken or tuna. All for a diet that satisfies and helps to lose weight but which, let's remember, must be followed for just one week. Then you can return to a normal healthy and balanced diet.

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