Sweat dermatitis and inflammation? Let’s find out the causes and grandmother’s remedies to fight them
With the warm season, sweat dermatitis could occur more easily: here are the natural remedies to cure it and get rid of it!
When you happen to suffer from rashes and skin rashes, especially in the warmer months, the real enemy could be sweat. In fact, there is a form of skin dermatitis better known as sweat dermatitis.
When we talk about dermatitis, in fact, we mean a skin inflammation caused by various factors that cause itching of the epidermis . This, in turn, can lead to several annoying symptoms such as burning, redness etc…
Sweat rash is part of this big family of skin disorders, do you know what it is? Let's try to better understand how and why it occurs and, if so, if there are any remedies to eliminate it or methods of prevention to avoid its onset.
What is sweat dermatitis
This specific pathology, also called sudamine, is an inflammation with subsequent irritation from sweat on the skin. The problem can arise due to excessive sweating or strong exposure to sunlight and, to avoid flaking and drying the skin, it is essential to resist itching.

To do this there are some tricks that we will soon reveal to you, however let's see before recognizing the symptoms. Who are the characters most prone to this problem? Definitely children, but also those with delicate skin that reacts easily to any external stimulus . It may seem strange, but men, as well as the elderly, suffer the most from it in the adult range.
The causes of sweat dermatitis and the symptoms
What happens to the epidermis that leads to this annoying sweat allergy? Essentially the sweat ducts become blocked, causing sweat to be released not outside but under the skin. This complication manifests itself in red patches and the characteristic sweat blisters. The symptomatology just described does not stop here, but it is nonetheless essential for making a diagnosis. Intense itching is another example of what happens to the skin under these circumstances. In this case it is important to resist and try not to scratch yourself , otherwise the subcutaneous sweat will expand and the rash will become even bigger.

The points most subject to this disorder, which could also be caused by a "simple" allergy to sweat, are: the groin area, the armpits , at the joints of the arms and legs (behind the knees and elbows) and at the neck height. Since 2020, the year the Coronavirus pandemic began, there has been an increase in sweat dermatitis on the face, caused by the daily use of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as a surgical mask, FFP2 or similar.
In any case, before resorting to a doctor specialized in dermatology, we can try to solve the problem with do-it-yourself treatments using natural remedies. Let's find out together what they are!
Sweat dermatitis: natural remedies
Here are some small steps to try to eliminate the problem . Our advice, since these are absolutely natural remedies, is to try these "do-it-yourself treatments" before resorting to a specialist visit… So let's see what these remedies are:
– Chamomile. Chamomile has a soothing and refreshing effect, for this reason it can be useful to use compresses and help relieve pain.
– Rice starch. Rice starch is the most used remedy especially for children. In fact, the latter are more likely to contract the problem due to their delicate and sensitive skin. Rice starch soothes redness and makes the skin soft and dry.

– Sage. An infusion of sage is all that is needed to relieve the symptoms of the problem: gauze soaked in the infusion must be applied to the affected area.
– Avoid talcum powder . You shouldn't use it when the problem occurs, because instead of solving it it could get worse.
– Use the right soap . You need to use a natural cleanser, avoiding using creams or deodorants on the affected areas because they could clog the pores and accentuate the disorder even more.
Cure for sweat dermatitis
If the problem persists despite our advice, it could be a slightly more aggressive form of dermatitis, but never to be confused with atopic dermatitis . In this case, we absolutely recommend that you consult your doctor or dermatologist.
Furthermore, the possibility of an allergy to nickel should not be excluded which, in some cases, can also show itself through sweat.
In some cases, antihistamine drugs, zinc-based ointments or cortisone-based ointments are prescribed to solve the problem . Each skin is different, has its own characteristics and the reaction to drugs will certainly vary from person to person, so let yourself be followed by professionals without delay.
Sweat rash, how to prevent it
There are some precautions that can only be good in this case, and could also help prevent the onset of this disorder. The advice is to drink a lot, at least two liters of water a day, and possibly also take a fruit smoothie. Furthermore, alcoholic beverages and foods full of fat and hot spices should be avoided in any way.
It is also important to carefully choose suitable clothing : yes to natural, breathable fibers and light colors. Better to avoid aggressive detergents and, in extremis, better to put away the fabric softener too.
Also in terms of hygiene and cleanliness , it is advisable to choose delicate creams and soaps. For example, it is better not to use talcum powder which tends to clog the pores and, ultimately, also not to expose yourself too much to the sun, especially during the hottest hours.
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