The coconut is rich in properties. That’s why it’s good for you!
On the beach it is a must: the coconut is one of the tastiest and tastiest fruits of the summer. Do you know all its properties?
With the arrival of the first hot summers, our diet is mainly enriched with fresh and thirst-quenching fruit , such as watermelon and melon. There are those who particularly love exotic fruit and, at this time of year, they can really indulge themselves. However, one of the foods that perhaps most evokes summer is the coconut. Who, after all, has never tasted a piece of it under an umbrella during a beach holiday? Well, this greedy fruit also seems to be good for your health. Let's find out, therefore, what are its properties and nutritional characteristics.
Coconut: calories and nutritional values
The coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm , a very common plant especially in tropical areas. Although it is very rich in water, this food has a fat content which makes it highly nutritious, but also caloric. A portion of 100 grams in fact provides about 360 calories , including a good amount of carbohydrates and proteins.

There is no shortage of mineral salts such as potassium , calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium, which make this fruit an excellent remineralizer. Also present are vitamins C, E, K and those of group B. All nutrients, these, are essential for our health.
The properties of the coconut
Although, as mentioned above, coconut is particularly caloric, if consumed in moderation it can prove to be an ally for losing weight . In fact, it contains a good amount of fiber, which promotes digestion and intestinal transit, as well as increasing the sense of satiety. It's also particularly high in a type of fat, called medium-chain triglycerides .
The body reacts differently to their assimilation, since it transforms them into ketones instead of accumulating them in the form of fat. All this helps to speed up the metabolism and reduce the sense of hunger. But not only that: potassium and essential fatty acids promote good heart health . In fact, this fruit regulates blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels.
Calcium, on the other hand, brings great benefits to the bones, protecting against osteoporosis. Furthermore, the pulp of the coconut is an energizing and tonic food , as well as having an important rehydrating action. Finally, antioxidants counteract the formation of free radicals and protect against cellular aging . Also, its pleasant taste helps you feel satisfied after eating it. Which increases the good mood and at the same time counteracts nervous hunger.
The contraindications of coconut
This fruit is not recommended for those suffering from obesity, hypercholesterolemia , hypertension and liver problems, because it is quite rich in lipids. It is also good not to exaggerate with its consumption: it can in fact cause side effects such as diarrhea and flatulence, given its fiber content.
For the rest, unless you are allergic to it, it is a really good product which proves to be a great friend of the body, especially during the hot summer season.
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