
The main psychological disorders: what they are and how to recognize and treat them

Sad girl depression mental health

We have already seen together how in today's society made up of social media and a world that seems to be less and less real, young people are starting to develop some psychological problems such as social media depression .

Disorders have always existed, it's just that today, fortunately, we talk about them more precisely to try to spread greater knowledge about them.

Our article was created with the aim of explaining what the main mental disorders that afflict our society are, listing the symptoms and explaining how to get out of them. If you recognize yourself in some of the symptoms you will read about in this article, don't be afraid to ask for medical advice.

Psychological disorders: what are they? And what are the causes?

Our mental health is important to lead a peaceful and balanced life. This, however, can often be influenced by the context in which we find ourselves such as particular events, situations, the environment but is often also compromised by completely personal factors such as our genetics or the way in which we have lived. All these elements together interact with each other and can have various negative effects on our psyche.

Since none of us are invincible, we should never be ashamed if some factors have affected our mental health and indeed it is always good to turn to specialists like Fabio Quarra to receive the necessary support. The main disorders that afflict the world's population are anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorders and borderline personality disorders.

This list clearly includes the most widespread and well-known ones but it is not a complete list of mental illnesses that can afflict human beings.

Anxiety disorders: symptoms and treatments

Anxiety disorders are the most typical of modern society: we talk about a continuous state of insecurity and agitation. Generalized anxiety disorder occurs when the state of worry and agitation remains for more than six months and cannot be linked to a specific object.

It is often accompanied by muscle pain, headaches, difficulty sleeping, precisely because of this continuous state of tension. Panic attacks, on the other hand, manifest themselves with a sudden, very intense fear and can last up to 30 minutes.

Phobias also fall into this category, that is, all those irrational fears towards an object or some situation. For example, such as phobia of closed spaces or crowds and so on. Obsessive compulsive disorder manifests itself with very negative fears and thoughts which unfortunately influence the way of life.

They are real obsessive thoughts that cannot be controlled. Unfortunately, each of these disorders can negatively influence our way of life, often affecting the possibility of leading a normal life. This is why it is essential to contact a psychotherapist who will help you manage anxiety.

Depressive disorders: how to recognize them

Depression is another very common condition characterized by great sadness accompanied by a loss of interest in any activity together with a great drop in energy. The person ends up losing confidence in themselves, feels an unjustified sense of guilt, and is unable to sleep or concentrate.

Depression is a very subtle disease that should never be overlooked because it leads the person to close themselves at home, not to have social relationships and to develop ideas of death and suicide. In many cases it can be resolved with psychotherapy combined with the use of drugs. In the most serious cases with high risk of suicide, hospitalization is required.

Bipolar disorder and its symptoms

This disease presents with strong and sudden changes in mood: the person experiences phases of strong euphoria and desire to do, followed by phases of depression. In the excitement phase, the person is able to do more physical activity, has difficulty concentrating and increases his desire to socialize.

In the depressive phase, however, there is loss of interest, tiredness associated with negative thoughts. To treat bipolar disorder, psychotherapy must be followed along with medication.

Eating disorders

Among these we find anorexia where the patient intentionally does not eat in order to lose weight. Bulimia nervosa , on the other hand, is characterized by the intake of large quantities of food which is then eliminated through self-induced vomiting. Binge eating, on the other hand, occurs when the person binge eats uncontrollably. In these cases it is important to have the support of both a nutritionist and a psychotherapist.

Borderline Personality Disorder

This disease presents with strong emotional instability and difficulty in maintaining relationships with others. Often the person may experience extreme emotions or lead a lifestyle that causes them harm. In these cases, psychotherapy is always necessary but drugs are often prescribed to control the symptoms.


Disclaimer : “We strongly recommend that all our readers consult a health professional for any concerns regarding their mental and physical well-being.”

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