
Vagus nerve: what functions it has and how to treat it when it becomes inflamed

The vagus nerve is one of the cranial nerves. Let's find out what it is for and what happens when it doesn't work properly.

The vagus nerve, also known as the pneumogastric nerve, is one of the twelve cranial nerves. More precisely, it is a bundle of nerve fibers that depart from the brain and branch out into the body reaching the abdomen . Among the many, the vagus nerve is the most branched and able to reach different internal organs. This is why it is particularly important for the well-being of the organism . Let's find out, therefore, what are its main functions and how to act when it ignites.

The main functions of the vagus nerve

One of the peculiarities of the vagus nerve is that it is a mixed nerve and therefore able to regulate various functions ranging from sensory to motor ones.

Among its functions, the best known are:

– Increase peristalsis
– Regulate the contraction of the bronchi
– Reduce heart rate
– Stimulate the secretion of gastric acid
– Check for dilation of blood vessels
– Stimulate the immune system
– Transmit the feeling of hunger and satiety

Its alteration can therefore lead to various problems such as excessive tiredness, sleep disturbance, dizziness , tinnitus, etc …

There are also several associations that should not be underestimated such as that between vagus nerve and anxiety, vagus nerve and heart, vagus nerve and intestine or vagus nerve and fainting.

Vagal nerve and cures

When it comes to an inflamed vagus nerve, the risk of undergoing alterations affecting its functions is very high. Generally, the most common symptoms are cold sweat , stomach acid , dizziness, constipation or, on the contrary, diarrhea, breathing difficulties, etc …

It is therefore very important to understand how to treat it. To immediately eliminate any causes it may be useful to act directly on the nerve, in other cases, however, it may be useful to contact an osteopath. In any case, if such problems are suspected or in case of symptoms it is always important to contact the attending physician . In this way you will act more quickly, obtaining good results and avoiding being sick for a long time.

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