
Vitamin D: in which foods it is found and how to integrate it into the diet

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for strengthening the immune system and bones. Let's find out which foods contain it and how to integrate it into the diet.

Vitamin D is an essential element for our body. Its presence serves in fact to make the organism function better under various aspects. In addition to being assimilated through the sun, this vitamin is present in many foods. To make a good supply, however, it is very important to take it in the right quantities. Furthermore, it is important to know that there are different types, each belonging to its group and with specific properties. Among its many benefits, in addition to helping the immune system, this vitamin prevents osteoporosis and childhood rickets.
Having said that we must never forget one of the main sources, which also helps us to synthesize and store this vitamin in an important way, is the sun. Now let's try to understand which foods it is found in and what needs to be done when there is a clear deficiency.

The foods richest in vitamin D

Among the foods richest in vitamin D are castor oil, fatty fish such as salmon or mackerel, oysters, shrimp, yogurt and fatty cheeses. This precious vitamin is also found in butter, egg yolk, liver meat and mushrooms, which to date are the only natural vegetable vitamin D supplement.

Vitamin D foods

To assimilate the right amount of vitamin D, you can therefore consume these products or use specific supplements that are able to increase the amount.
It is indeed very important that, in case of deficiencies, diet alone does not guarantee a complete intake of vitamin D. For this reason, in addition to exposure to the sun , a great help is given by the intake of targeted supplements. Situation in which, however, it is best to consult your doctor first.

Foods that contain vitamin D: useful advice

As already mentioned, although there are several foods rich in this vitamin, it may not be that easy to integrate it into your diet. In fact, vegans or vegetarians cannot consume most of the foods that contain it. Fortunately, however, even in this case there are solutions. In fact, there are specific foods that are enriched with vitamin D precisely to prevent this deficiency. These include various types of plant milks , including soy milk, and many cereals or oatmeal.

Vitamin D: deficiency and problems

Vitamin D deficiency is quite widespread today, both due to the fact that we spend too much time at home, and not in the sun, and because we no longer consume certain foods. The situation then worsens in winter , or in any case when there is bad weather. In any case, vitamin D deficiency is very dangerous, mainly because it has no symptoms, so you may realize you have it too late.

Going to the most common risks, given that vitamin D is essential for bones, these are osteoporosis , rickets, both in children and adults, and even serious bone fractures. In any case it is possible to integrate vitamin D through diet and the consumption of specific foods. The Italian Nutrition Society explains which are the right quantities to assimilate and which foods contain vitamin D. However, the invitation to consult a doctor and to make sure of a possible deficiency through blood tests remains valid. Integrating more than necessary if you don't have problems in this sense can in fact be just as risky for your health.

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