
Vomiting of the newborn: how to behave and what it can indicate

Newborn vomiting is always a cause for alarm. Let's try to understand it better and understand how to act and when to worry.

When dealing with a newborn, attention is never too much. At the same time, however, it is very important to learn not to go into crisis at every little change. In fact, there are situations that are quite common and that it is often enough to know how to deal with them to make them go back on their own. Among these, one that certainly deserves attention is the vomiting of the newborn . In fact, this most often resolves itself but, nevertheless, it should always be investigated.

What are the causes of vomiting of the newborn

Let's start by saying that in very young children, vomiting can be quite frequent and that it is therefore important to immediately understand how to treat it correctly.
This can range from simple regurgitation through reflux to actual vomiting.

mother with baby

When the newborn vomits it is therefore very important to try to immediately trace the root cause, while dealing with the problem. In this way you will not run any risks and you will have the certainty of always acting for the best of the child.

Vomiting of the newborn: how to treat it

The ways to treat vomiting are also different (even compared to those of adults ) and depend on the various causes.
It is usually important to act in the moment, positioning the child so that he does not choke on his own vomit and making sure to clean him well afterwards. Finally, it is important to wet the baby's lips or help him drink so as not to run the risk of hydration.

Having said that, once the problem has been solved, it is important to understand if it was simple regurgitation (something not to worry about) or if there are other situations to keep under control.
For example, if drowsiness , difficulty eating, lack of enuresis and weight loss are associated with vomiting, it is very important to contact your doctor immediately. The same is also true if, along with vomiting, diarrhea and fever also occur.

In certain cases, in fact, vomiting can be a symptom of gastroenteritis that requires immediate hospitalization. In others, however, it may be useful to inform the doctor to understand if the vomiting is precisely the cause of reflux or gastrointestinal problems. In this case, in fact, it is advisable to carry out the necessary investigations and start with the most appropriate therapies to ensure that the newborn gets back in shape as soon as possible. By acting in this way, vomiting will be a risk-free problem.

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