
What is a yin and yang diet and how to follow it

Yin and yang diet: what it is, how it works, tips to start following it and possible benefits.

When it comes to diets, there are millions to choose from. From low-carb keto to paleo, everyone tries something new hoping to lose weight and feel better. But is there a diet based on the principles of yin and yang? The answer is yes. A yin and yang diet consists of eating foods that are opposite to each other on the yin and yang spectrum. A yin food is refreshing and hydrating , while a yang food is warming . A yin and yang diet can be used to help restore balance in the body and is obviously based on an ancient Chinese philosophy. Let's find out all the details of this particular diet together.

How a yin and yang diet works

The most basic principle of a yin and yang diet is to eat foods that are opposite to each other on the yin and yang spectrum. A yin food is refreshing and hydrating, while a yang food is warming. For example, you should eat cold, watery fruit, such as citrus, on a yin day, and dried or cooked fruit, on a yang.

fruit diet

A yin and yang diet can be used to help restore balance in the body. If you feel too hot and stressed, eating more yin foods can help cool you down. If you feel constipated and heavy, eating more yang foods can help get things moving again. A yin and yang diet can be a great way to get all the nutrients our body needs. It is a good way to get both proteins and carbohydrates, which are essential for energy, but also fatty acids and vitamins, which are essential for health.

The benefits of following a yin and yang diet

Consuming yin and yang foods has multiple benefits. Such a diet is a balanced diet that includes foods belonging to both yin and yang categories. This type of nutrition is beneficial because it provides a variety of nutrients the body needs and helps maintain a healthy balance. The benefits of consuming foods in both categories include a balanced appetite, energy balance , improved digestion, the ability to reduce inflammation, and restore sleep quality . In short, following a diet like this is a great way to improve our health and well-being in general.

How to follow a feng-shui-based diet

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to a diet based on these principles. You simply eat a mixture of foods in reverse, based on what's available and what pleases you. Some great examples of yin foods include fruits, such as watermelon and strawberries, as well as vegetables, such as cucumbers and zucchini. Yang foods include meat, such as chicken and beef, as well as grains, such as quinoa and oats. If you are looking for a diet based on the principles of balance and moderation , the yin and yang diet might be a good choice for you. It is a healthy way to eat, as well as flexible enough to adapt to any lifestyle. Try it and see how you feel: it could really be for you!

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