
What is Singles’ Day and what are the best offers for 2022

Let's find out how the Singles' Day anniversary was born and how it became one of the most awaited dates for its unmissable offers!

Singles' Day or "day of singles" is a holiday of Chinese origin that is celebrated on 11 November or 11/11 . The anniversary seems to have been born in China in 1993 from the idea of ​​a group of students from Nanjing. The party was originally born to celebrate singles, but since 2009 it has taken on a much more marketing-oriented characteristic, becoming an opportunity for offers both for online shopping and in physical stores.

Origins and evolution of Singles' Day

The Singles' Day festival was born in the 90s and originally the anniversary is dedicated to singles . The choice of the date for the anniversary is by no means causal because it is composed only of numbers "1" to symbolize the state of single people.

winter shopping

The transformation of this holiday into an opportunity to seize offers, especially through ecommerce, is due to the giant AliBabà. And the offers are always liked by everyone, as shown by last year's discounts on AliBabà have reached a turnover that has reached 74 billion dollars . Let's find out which other companies are joining the discounts for this special occasion.

The discounts of the Singles' Day 2022

Less known in Italy than Black Friday , the day of singles approaches the latter due to the falling prices and is also gaining ground among the stores that sell in our country. For example, on the Sephora online store (and in the Beauty Stores) you can get a discount of up to 30% on products related to fragrances, skincare, make-up and many others.

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There are also discounts from Unieuro, Groupon, Booking, Nespresso, Nike, Adidas, Amazon, MediaWorld, Zalando and Yoox.

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